Tag: politics
Why is the Party of Jefferson So Hamiltonian?
Robert Reich (“Syria and the Reality at Home in America,” Nation of Change, September 7), noting that the share of the population either working or seeking work was at a thirty-year low, writes “A decent society would put people to work — even if this required more government spending on roads, bridges, ports, pipelines, parks…
Especuladores de la guerra, esclavitud y la hipocresía del imperialismo
En todo el mundo, la gente protesta contra la intervención de EE.UU. en Siria. Los sondeos muestran un escepticismo generalizado ante la amenazante guerra. En lugar de aumentar la seguridad de los estadounidenses, es probable que la intervención apoye a fuerzas vinculadas a al Qaida. No obstante parece inevitable que el Gobierno de EE.UU. lance…
Doublethink at New Heights: Libertarians for Conscription?
A few days ago, US Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) recycled his familiar contention that “[w]hat enables [the United States’] war-friendly philosophy is the fact that there is no military draft to dodge.” Yoking ordinary people to the decisions of the political class, he argues, would somehow disincentivize U.S. bellicosity abroad. In tandem with Rangel’s proposal…
The Knowledge Problem of Privilege
In his classic essay, “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” F.A. Hayek explains the concept of distributed knowledge. Every individual has unique knowledge shaped by their experiences and preferences, knowledge that may not be accessible to others, no matter how well educated they may be. Hayek writes: “Today it is almost heresy to suggest that…
Estados Unidos Não Têm Autoridade Moral Para Condenar Assad
Tenha ou não ditador sírio Bashar al-Assad usado armas químicas, o Presidente Obama não tem base legítima para intervir. Ataques aéreos dos Estados Unidos, visantes a punir e a dissuadir Assad e a degradar sua instituição militar, mas não a derrubar seu regime, aumentariam o investimento dos Estados Unidos na guerra civil síria e tornariam…
Killing to Save in Syria: When Liberalism is Lethal
In the debate on Syria, progressive pundits are letting us know that do-gooders can’t be peaceniks. Recently, pro-war commentators on liberal media outlets have greatly outnumbered the doves, with MSNBC leading the way. These humanitarian interventionists understand what the most famous progressives of all time made clear, that the obligation to rescue the unfortunate comes with an obligation to…
No War But Class War
Forbes contributor psychiatrist Dale Archer asks whether America’s wealth gap could lead to a revolt. Highlighting recent fast food workers’ strikes and the struggle for a “living wage,” Archer observes that “disparity between the nation’s top earners and the bottom 80 percent has grown exponentially over the past three decades, and it’s been exacerbated by…
Why Gender Roles are Unlibertarian
I recently watched Elysium. And in it, like a lot of Hollywood movies, a strong, heroic man saved a helpless woman and child. And as a feminist I felt irritated. But as a woman I felt something else. I realized I saw the appeal in being saved by a strong, heroic man. Those same cultural…
Making Civil War and Empire Obsolete
The civil war in Syria and the implications for the United States government’s involvement is hot on the lips of most political analysts these days. The recent chemical attacks on civilians in Syria have ignited military interventionist rhetoric on the part of the Obama administration, but with an overwhelming number of people polled opposing such…
John Kerry and the Orwellian Language of War
When is a war not a war? According to John Kerry, launching cruise missiles at Syria is not a war. Testifying before the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Kerry said, “President Obama is not asking America to go to war.” Kerry’s argument seems to hinge on the idea that no American ground troops will likely…
Don’t Tell Us What Our “Marginal Productivity” Is; We’ll Tell You
When you take a big dose of syrup of ipecac, you get a big stream of projectile vomiting. And when someone calls for a living wage, you get a nice big vomit stream from the usual suspects on the Right, denouncing such calls on the basis of what they call “hard-headed economic rationality.” Response to…
How “Your” Government Works
The Obama administration has announced the formation of a panel of “outside experts” to review the NSA’s surveillance practices. And a wide-ranging, diverse collection of experts they are; when it comes to institutional backgrounds and viewpoints, they span the entire spectrum from A to B. They remind me a bit of the space shuttle crew…
Paz Real e Duradoura
Parece que apenas fornecer armas aos rebeldes síriosnão basta. O governo dos Estados Unidos e seus aliados ocidentais estão prestes a empregar força militar diretanaquele pequeno país do Oriente Médio. Já vimos ouvindo os tambores de guerra há longo tempo – e agora tão cedo quanto na quinta-feira bombas poderão a começar a cair sobre a Síria. Em vez…
War Profiteers, Slavery and the Hypocrisy of Imperialism
Across the world, people are protesting against US intervention in Syria. Polls show widespread skepticism of the impending war. Rather than making Americans safer, intervention is likely to support forces connected to al Qaeda. Yet it still seems inevitable that the US government will launch cruise missiles at Syria, escalating the country’s bloody civil war….
The Tipping Point
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that when a garment gets so old, attempting to patch it with new cloth will just tear it up worse. The authoritarian state seems to be reaching that point, beyond which any attempt to patch it up or prolong its life just inflict new damage and hasten…
No Fathers, No Masters
I am told that today is New Zealand’s Father’s Day. I offer this painting by Goya as my opinion of this sort of celebration. To begin with, we should never reverence anything merely for the accident of sheer proximate existence or genetic relation. We should never revere anything on the basis of sex or age….
Anarquia: ontem, hoje e amanhã
Os três Leviatãs Dois anos atrás, no Fórum de Sistemas Jurídicos, eu sugeri que aqueles que ansiavam construir uma Nação Livre enfrentariam três problemas, os quais eu denomino de “os três Leviatãs”: O Leviatã Passado (que são os perigos apresentados pelo Estado atualmente ocupando o território dentro do qual a Nação Livre emergirá”), o Leviatã…
The Return of Leviathan: Can We Prevent It?
The Three Leviathans Two years ago, at our Spring 1994 Forum on Systems of Law, I suggested that those seeking to build and maintain a Free Nation would face three problems, which I called “the three Leviathans”: “Leviathan Past (that is, the dangers posed by the state presently occupying the territory within which the Free…
O Estado, Não Manning, é o Criminoso
Desde o início do julgamento de fachada de Bradley Manning ficou patente que o criminoso é o estado, não o Pfc. Manning. Apesar disso, o denunciante via Wikileaks acaba de ser sentenciado a 35 anos de prisão. Manning está sendo punido por expor crimes do governo, mais famosamente soldados dos Estados Unidos atingindo civis inocentes,…
How to (Inadvertently) Argue Against the Public Education System
In a recent article, Allison Benedikt makes her case that, as the title says, “If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person” (Slate, August 29). She clarifies: “Not bad like murderer bad — but bad like ruining-one-of-our-nation’s-most-essential-institutions-in-order-to-get-what’s-best-for-your-kid bad.” The proper course of action, she argues, is to take one for…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory