Tag: Nepal
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Altruism in Nepal” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu…
Um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 devastou o Nepal. Construções, novas e antigas, ruíram. Casas mais antigas de alvenaria e madeira foram reduzidas a escombros. Em uma entrevista ao jornal britânico The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, um sociólogo local, descreve a situação das pessoas mais vulneráveis: “Fora de Kathmandu, são os pobres em áreas rurais. Dentro da…
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu it’s the rural poor. But in the city it’s the people in the older precarious housing. It’s…