Tag: Altruism
Una Filosofia Economica per il Lavoratore Egocentrico
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker, del 19 agosto 2023. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente su Anarchy or Ceaserism. Di recente ho riletto Road to Revolution, di Avraham Yarmolinski, uno dei libri di storia radicale miei preferiti. L’avevo letto per caso la prima volta nel 2017: da un…
Filsafat Ekonomi bagi Pekerja yang Bertindak Berdasarkan Kepentingan Sendiri
Oleh:  Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker”. Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Diambil dari Anarchy or Ceaserism Saya telah membaca ulang Road to Revolution karya Avrahm Yarmolinksi. Ini adalah salah satu buku favorit saya tentang sejarah radikal. Saya secara kebetulan menemukannya sekitar tahun dua ribu tujuh belas, hanya…
Economic Philosophy for the Self-Interested Worker
I’ve been re-reading Avrahm Yarmolinksi’s Road to Revolution. It’s one of my favorite books on radical history. I happened to stumble upon it by chance sometime in twenty seventeen, a mere year after first self identifying with anarchism. Back then, while I never totally identified with anarcho-communism, I was adjacent to that as I primarily…
Nessun Complotto Capitalista Dietro i Problemi dell’azione Collettiva
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 2 aprile 2022 con il titolo Why Collective Action Problems Are Not a Capitalist Plot. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Perché dalla ragione individuale a quella collettiva non è un passo Un vecchio chiodo fisso dell’estrema sinistra è che l’assenza di attività radicali è colpa di qualche soggetto collettivo che,…
Pourquoi les problèmes d’action collective ne sont pas des complots capitalistes
Frank Miroslav. Article original: Why Collective Action Problems Are Not a Capitalist Plot. Traduction française par anonyme. Sur l’importance de passer de la rationalité individuelle à la rationalité collective Un incontournable de la gauche radicale est de blâmer l’absence d’activité radicale, par un sujet collectif particulier perçu comme ayant un potentiel, sur quelques subterfuges capitalistes….
Por qué los problemas de acción colectiva no son un complot capitalista
Frank Miroslav. Artículo original: Why Collective Action Problems Are Not a Capitalist Plot, del 2 de abril de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Sobre la no trivialidad de pasar de la racionalidad individual a la colectiva Ha sido un pilar de la izquierda radical durante mucho tiempo culpar de la falta de actividad…
Why Collective Action Problems Are Not a Capitalist Plot
On the Non-Triviality of Going from Individual to Collective Rationality It’s been a mainstay of the radical left for a long time to blame the lack of radical activity by whatever particular collective subject they believe to have potential on some sort of capitalist subterfuge. The various arguments for what exactly happened range considerably, but…
Should We Look Beyond our Noses?: Need Allocation, Near and Far
“We take politics that exclusively valorize the local in the guise of subverting global abstraction, to be insufficient…. Refusing to think beyond the micro-community, to foster connections between fractured insurgencies, to consider how emancipatory tactics can be scaled up for universal implementation, is to remain satisfied with temporary and defensive gestures.” -Laboria Cuboniks, Xenofeminism “[T]he…
Altruism in Nepal on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Altruism in Nepal” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu…
Altruism in Nepal
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has devastated Nepal. Buildings, old and new, have crumbled. Older brick and wood homes are almost exclusively reduced to rubble. In an interview with The Guardian, Bhaskar Gautam, a local sociologist, describes the situation: “Outside Kathmandu it’s the rural poor. But in the city it’s the people in the older precarious housing. It’s…
Ayn Rand And Cruelty
Accusations of cruelty are often leveled against Ayn Rand. How accurate is this charge? The answer is a complicated one. One can find traces of both kindness and cruelty in her life/work. Both deserve consideration in formulating a clear perspective. Let’s examine a case of cruelty first: “[The Native Americans] didn’t have any rights to…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory