Tag: mutualism
The Annoying Peasants Chat With Mr. Kevin Carson
C4SS Senior Fellow and The Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory, Kevin Carson, join The Annoying Peasants Radio Show. Discover Politics Internet Radio with The Annoying Peasants on BlogTalkRadio On this episode, The Annoying Peasants discuss mutualism, individualist anarchism and Carson’s books – Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective, and The Homebrew Industrial Revolution.
A Chat With Mr. Kevin Carson
C4SS Senior Fellow and The Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory, Kevin Carson, will join The Annoying Peasants Radio Show tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8th at 9:30 pm eastern time. On this episode the Annoying Peasants will be discussing mutualism, individualist anarchism and Carson’s books – Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective, and The…
Support C4SS with Clarence Lee Swartz’s “The Practicability of Mutualism”
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Clarence Lee Swartz‘s “The Practicability of Mutualism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Clarence Lee Swartz‘s “The Practicability of Mutualism“. $1.50 for…
Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “Studies in Mutualist Political Economy”
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Kevin Carson‘s “Studies in Mutualist Political Economy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Kevin Carson‘s “Studies in Mutualist Political Economy“. $15.00…
Kevin Carson on Decline to State
C4SS Senior Fellow and Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory Kevin Carson interviewed on the Decline to State podcast. Kevin Carson, a well-known and well-respected mutualist talks to us about mutualism, his views on a free society, and more. We get to hear his views on economics, including his ideas on how to fuse the Labor Theory of…
Support C4SS with M. George van der Meer’s “The Network Economy as New Mutualism”
For every copy of M. George van der Meer’s “The Network Economy as New Mutualism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
The Network Economy as New Mutualism
M. George van der Meer: We are now approaching a breaking point, a culmination of long-unfolding trends that will witness the old forces of rigid hierarchy and centrality collide with the dynamism of the networked, freed market.
Exploración Anarquista
Alan Furth: el anarquismo no es lo que la mayoría de la gente cree que es.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “Mutualist Methods: Two Essays on Practical Anarchy”
For every copy of Clarence L. Swartz & Francis D. Tandy’s “Mutualist Methods: Two Essays on Practical Anarchy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Exploring Anarchy
Furth: Anarchism is not what the majority of people think it is.
Support C4SS with Bastiat & Proudhon’s “Free Money: A Debate”
For every copy of Frederic Bastiat and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s “Free Money: A Debate on Capital, Interest and Free Credit” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Capitalism versus Capitalism, Continued
The fact is, “capitalism” means, at best, the privilege-laden mixed economy we see all around us. We will fail to communicate if we ignore that fact.
Capitalism versus Capitalism
“I think a description of the functioning of a free market calls for the subjunctive case, not the indicative.”
Support C4SS with Dyer Lum’s “The Economics of Anarchy”
For every copy of Dyer Lum’s “The Economics of Anarchy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Kevin Carson on Adam vs. The Man
A hint of the subjects covered: Vulgar libertarianism, labor theory of value, FMAC mutualism, economies of scale, human scale production…
Examining Exploitation: One Mutualist Perspective
M. George van der Meer: “Anarchists must continue to put a strain on the notion of exploitation, to test it, to explain it, experimenting and reviewing.”
In Defense of Mutual Banking
M. George van der Meer: Monopoly and inordinate accumulation naturally attend one another.
Love, Garlic and Anarchy
Luigi Corvaglia: “An aphorism can never be the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half.”
Amore, aglio e anarchia
Luigi Corvaglia: “Un aforisma non è mai una verità: o è una mezza verità o è una verità e mezzo.”
“Building the Structure of the New Society Within the Shell of the Old”
The capital and land of the rich is worthless to them without a supply of labor to produce surplus value.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory