Tag: Managerial class
Escrito por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Who’s “We”? del 17 de maio 2023. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. En “¿Trabajar desde casa realmente funciona? ” (versión sin muro de pago aquí ), Steven Rattner opina, o más bien expresa su opinión, que el fenómeno conocido como el abandono silencioso, el trabajo desde casa o la Gran Renuncia,…
In “Is Working From Home Really Working?” (paywall-free version here), Steven Rattner opines — or rather pearl-clutches — that the phenomenon variously known as quiet quitting, working from home, or the Great Resignation, reflects a change in American attitudes toward work. And changed in a way that he views as “not for the better.” This…
Originale pubblicato il 6 marzo 2023 con il titolo Earthquakes and Capitalism. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. La paura e l’ansia indotte da un terremoto sono spesso esasperate dalle sfide della società capitalista, così che l’individuo trova serie difficoltà a cambiare le proprie condizioni di vita o a scegliere un luogo più sicuro in cui…
Teks aslinya berjudul “Earthquakes and Capitalism.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Ketakutan dan kecemasan akibat gempa bumi dan diperparah oleh berbagai hambatan yang diakibatkan dari tatanan kapitalisme dalam masyarakat, dimana banyak orang kesulitan untuk mengubah kondisi kehidupan mereka untuk menjadi lebih baik atau berpindah ke wilayah yang lebih aman. Ini mencciptakan situasi yang kompleks dan meprihatinkan…
The fear and anxiety induced by earthquakes are often exacerbated by the challenges posed by capitalist societies, where individuals face significant obstacles in their efforts to modify their living conditions or relocate to safer regions. This creates a complex and concerning situation that demands urgent attention from scholars and policymakers alike. It’s particularly concerning that…
All’American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry (“Yes, America’s middle class has been disappearing… into higher income groups,” 17 dicembre) spiega la contrazione della classe media e la crescita della disuguaglianza economica citando un recente studio del Pew Institute, dal quale risulta che, dell’11% per cento di americani che non fanno più parte del ceto medio, il…
At the American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry (“Yes, America’s middle class has been disappearing… into higher income groups,” Dec. 17) justifies the shrinking middle class and growing economic inequality by citing the finding of a recent Pew Institute study that of the 11% shrinkage in the American middle class, 7% have gone to the top…