Tag: local knowledge
Political Intellectuals Discouraging Political Intellect
Many intellectuals[1] lament the supposed apathy, stupidity, or ignorance of the average person. Some start from a charitable idea: e.g., people don’t care about issues of greater political implication for rational (economic) reasons. However, an end point for many is to conclude that it’s better if the idiots around them don’t engage in political activities…
Perché Grande-Piccolo e Verticale-Orizzontale Conta più di “Pubblico-Privato”
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 5 novembre 2020 con il titolo Why Big-Small and Vertical-Horizontal Trumps “Public-Private”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il mito del settore privato, parte I: Perché Grande-Piccolo e Verticale-Orizzontale Batte “Pubblico-Privato” Oggi (28 ottobre) Rachel McKinney, un’amica che insegna filosofia, si lamentava su Twitter dicendo che doveva preparare una tesina e…
Por Que as Abordagens “Pequeno-Grande” e “Horizontal-Vertical” Importam Mais que “Público-Privado”
Kevin Carson. Título original: The Myth of the Private Sector, Part I: Why Big-Small and Vertical-Horizontal Trumps “Public-Private”, 5 novembro 2020. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. O Mito do Setor Privado, Parte I: Por Que as Abordagens “Pequeno-Grande” e “Horizontal-Vertical” Importam Mais que “Público-Privado” Hoje, 28 de outubro, Rachel McKinney, uma amiga e professora de Filosofia,…
The Myth of the Private Sector, Part I: Why Big-Small and Vertical-Horizontal Trumps “Public-Private”
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Today (Oct. 28) Rachel McKinney, a friend who works as professor of philosophy, complained on Twitter that she was trying to create a midterm exam and “blackboard is complete fucking garbage. No intuitive way to break up questions into…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory