Tag: Libertarian Party
Finti Libertari, Finta Sinistra, Veri Fascisti
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Fake Libertarians, Fake Leftists, and Real Fascists, del 23 febbraio 2025. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Il giorno dopo l’infame “sieg heil”, il saluto nazista fatto da Elon Musk al discorso inaugurale, Thomas Lecaque, docente di storia che studia la violenza religiosa, giustamente osservava: “Elon Musk ha fatto il saluto nazista….
Fake Libertarians, Fake Leftists, and Real Fascists
The day after Elon Musk’s infamous use of the Nazi “Sieg Heil” salute in an Inauguration Day speech, Thomas Lecaque — a professor of history specializing in religious violence — pointedly observed: “Elon Musk did a Nazi salute. There isn’t a discussion, there aren’t interpretations, this isn’t a controversy, there are people lying about it…
ANGL: Ratchelor with Brianna Coyle
Tune in this Friday at 7:00 PM as the crew plays Ratchelor and Brianna Coyle joins us to discuss How Furry Fandom is Used as a Proxy War on Queer Folks. We’ll be raising funds for the ACLU and celebrating pride month while discussing how things took such a sharp turn towards bigotry in recent…
Um Lembrete sobre o Sindicalismo
De Kevin Carson. Artígo original: A Reminder on Unionism, 6 de agosto 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Um Lembrete sobre o Sindicalismo para os Analfabetos em Economia e História Recentemente, o ex-candidato presidencial do Partido Libertário, Vermin Supreme, postou no Facebook um apoio à greve da Pepsico. E recebeu o tipo de…
Un Recordatorio sobre el Sindicalismo
De Kevin Carson. Título original: A Reminder on Unionism, de 6 de agosto de 2020. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Un recordatorio sobre el sindicalismo, para los analfabetos económicos e históricos Recientemente, el ex-aspirante a la presidencia del Partido Libertario, Vermin Supreme, publicó en Facebook un mensaje de apoyo a la huelga de PepsiCo….
A Reminder on Unionism
A Reminder on Unionism, for the Economically and Historically Illiterate  Recently, former Libertarian Party presidential contender Vermin Supreme posted in support of the Pepsico strike on Facebook. It got the sort of response I expected, given the prevailing culture in the Libertarian Party. Some right-winger commented in the replies:    Being able to strike IS a…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Two Episodes!
Please pardon our absence! As you can probably guess, the pandemic and related stresses led to a bump in our production schedule. But now, we’re back on track — and have two fresh episodes to boot… First, check out our interview with Libertarian Party presidential hopeful Vermin Supreme. You might know Vermin as the candidate…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Vermin Supreme on Ponynomics
Here’s our interview with Libertarian Party presidential hopeful Vermin Supreme. You might know Vermin as the candidate from the last few election cycles who ran on a platform of free ponies and mandatory tooth brushing, or you might just know him as that guy with a boot on his head. But this year, he’s running…
Il Trumpismo e i Pericoli del Fusionismo
Di Camilo Gómez. Originale pubblicato il 27 giugno 2019 con il titolo Trumpism Reveals the Danger of Fusionism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ultimamente si parla tanto di fusionismo, termine coniato da Frank Meyer della National Review durante la Guerra Fredda per indicare l’alleanza tra conservatori e libertari contro i comunisti allineati con i repubblicani. Qualcuno…
Trumpism Reveals the Danger of Fusionism
There is a lot of talk lately about fusionism, the term coined by National Review writer Frank Meyer in the Cold War to describe the alliance between conservatives and libertarians against communists that aligned them with the Republican Party. Some wonder if fusionism is truly dead; I wonder why it lived so long. The alliance…
Airbnb e il Potere Antifascista del Mercato
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 13 agosto 2017 con il titolo Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’antifascismo è multiforme. Ci sono gli ultrapatriottici che riecheggiano la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, gli attivisti del III% che hanno messo sotto assedio Identity Evropa in Texas, il black bloc che ha…
Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets
Anti-fascism comes in all shapes and forms. Whether it be the ultra-patriotic types harking back to the legacy of WWII, the III% who put that Identity Evropa kid in a chokehold in Texas, the black bloc protester who punched out Richard Spencer, the antifa rioters who trashed Milo’s events, the programmers who are letting us…
Smashing the State for Fun and Profit Since 1969
Smashing the State for Fun and Profit Since 1969 An Interview With the Libertarian Icon Samuel Edward Konkin III (a.k.a. SEK3) (originally published at spaz.org) Samuel Edward Konkin III (SEK3), author of the “New Libertarian Manifesto” coined the term “agorism” to describe his ideology.  Although very similar to anarcho-capitalism, unlike anarcho-capitalism it opposes intellectual property. …
Outright Arizona Interviews Thomas Knapp on NOTA 2016
Thomas Knapp, C4SS Senior Media Analyst and Media Coordinator, discusses with Outright Arizona the possibility and strategy of the Libertarian Party running the most consistent and qualified presidential candidate in its history: None of the Above 2016!   Current Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Outright Arizona on BlogTalkRadio
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To
Thomas L. Knapp on the topic of “truth in advertising” with regard to the Libertarian Party.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory