Tag: Islamic State (ISIS)
Nazionalismo Cristiano e Profughi Siriani
Gli attentati di Parigi del tredici novembre erano ancora in corso quando già si levavano le prime voci che chiedevano porte chiuse ai profughi in Europa e America. Per chi conosce la politica e gli obiettivi dello Stato Islamico, l’organizzazione fascista responsabile degli attentati, la tragedia è evidente. Come i tanti spacconi sciovinisti e nazionalisti…
Christian Nationalism vs. the Syrian Refugees
The Paris attacks on 11/13 were hardly concluded before the first cries for excluding refugees from Europe and the U.S were shouted. The tragedy is clear to those who know the politics and goals of the Islamic State, the fascist organization responsible for the attack. Like so many western chauvinists and nationalistic goons in this country…
#NeverForget911 For the State Blowback is a Feature, Not a Bug
Every year, we’re subjected to another round of mawkish, smarmy 9/11 memorial ceremonies whose main purpose is to maintain loyalty to the very national security state whose aggression brought the terror attacks of September 11 on us in the first place. It’s all part of an endless cycle, repeated over and over, dating back to…
King John Might Envy President Obama
King John of England, who 800 years ago this week was forced at Runnymede to affix his Great Seal to Magna Carta — which at least in theory subordinated his power to law — might have envied President Obama. Sure, Obama also pays lip service to idea that the executive is subject to law. But…
Selective Hearing in the War on Terror on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Chad Nelson‘s “Selective Hearing in the War on Terror” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “Michael Scheuer, Former chief of the CIA’s bin Laden Unit, said about bin Laden: “[he] is remarkably eager for Americans to know why he doesn’t like us, what he intends to do about it and then…
Selective Hearing in the War on Terror
Watching Fox News’s recent coverage of the Islamic State’s Twitter-hack left me shaking my head in disbelief, as usual. The latest act alleged to have been carried out by IS is the group’s takeover of several Twitter accounts belonging to the wives of US military servicemen. Among the threatening tweets issued by IS through the hacked…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 59
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz discusses the myth of Thanksgiving. Uri Avnery discusses new right-wing bills up for passage in Israel. Nicola Nasser discusses recent bombings in Palestine. Jonathan Schell discusses Nick Turse’s book on Vietnam. Annabelle Bamforth discusses a new report on drone deaths. Ivan Eland discusses the Afghan war. Lew Rockwell discusses how the presidents are…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory