Tag: green anarchism
Una Rivoluzione Verde Decentrata
Guida anarchica all’ambientalismo Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 23 agosto 2018 con il titolo Decentralizing the Green Revolution: An Anarchist Guide to Environmentalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Davanti al problema dei cambiamenti climatici o di altre forme di inquinamento, abbiamo solitamente due strade: da un lato l’individuo con il riciclaggio, le luci spente,…
Decentralizing the Green Revolution: An Anarchist Guide to Environmentalism
When looking to solve the issue of climate change and other forms of environmental damage, people tend to look at two kinds of solutions: those targeting the individual, such as recycling, turning off your lights, bicycling, and unplugging your electronics when not in use, or more statist solutions, such as banning plastic straws, carbon taxes,…
L’Anarchia del Mercato Nero e del Mercato Verde
Mercato nero e agorismo sono parte integrante di come le persone libere salveranno il mondo dalla perenne oppressione economica e dal disastro ambientale. In cosa consiste l’attività del mercato nero? Cos’è l’agorismo e come fa a sovvertire il potere statale? Come fa l’agorismo a promuovere la sostenibilità ecologica? La risposta migliore viene dall’opera monumentale del…
Black Markets and Green Market Anarchy
Black markets and agorism are an integral part of the way free people are going to save the world from unrelenting economic oppression and environmental damage. What constitutes black market activity? What is agorism and how does it subvert the state? How does agorism promote ecological sustainability? These questions are best answered by looking at…
Animal Rights
I hope to review Gary Francione‘s Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? here next month. I’ve found much of what I’ve watched and read thus far from Francione compelling. In the meantime, here is a good snippet on the topic of animal rights from Corin Bruce’s essay, Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Heirarchy,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory