Tag: global south
An Orientalist History of Transmisogyny
The latest success in trans publishing is Jules Gill-Peterson’s A Short History of Trans Misogyny. Released at a time of global backlash to trans rights in a coalition bringing together figures as varied as J.K. Rowling and Javier Milei, it purports to analyze the origins of a world in which hatred of transfemininity has become…
Sinistra, Libertari e “Libero Mercato”
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 12 luglio 2018 con il titolo Leftists and Libertarians Don’t See Eye to Eye on “Free Trade”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Libertari e sinistra non parlano lo stesso linguaggio in materia di “libero mercato”, e io credo che sulle rispettive posizioni si possa fare qualche appunto. Cercherò di fare…
Leftists and Libertarians Don’t See Eye to Eye on “Free Trade”
Libertarians and leftists do not speak the same language when it comes to “free trade” but I think there’s something to be said for what both parties are getting at. I’m going to try to do a bit of translating between them that I think might frustrate both teams, hopefully in a good way. When…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory