Tag: Dawie Coetzee
Membela Kaum Luddite
Oleh: Dawie Coetzee, Teks aslinya berjudul Vindicating the Luddites, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Saya sudah lama mempertahankan pandangan yang sama – kira-kira di mana ujung anarkis Distributisme Chestertonian bertemu dengan ujung individualis Mutualisme Proudhon – sehingga saya berani mengusulkan bahwa menjadi sasaran kritik dari kedua sisi dalam dikotomi palsu merupakan indikasi kuat bahwa seseorang mungkin melakukan…
La Rivincita dei Luddisti
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale: Vindicating the Luddites, del 23 giugno 2022. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. È da così tanto tempo che mantengo la stessa posizione (più o meno dove il distributismo chestertoniano incontra il lato individualista del mutualismo proudhoniano) che comincio a pensare di aver ragione perché vengo criticato da entrambi i rami…
“Ninguna de las anteriores”: Reseña del libro La mentira de 1652
Por Dawie Coetzee. Artículo original: “None of the Above”: A Book Review of The Lie of 1652, del 17 de octubre de 2022. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Las palabras tienen diferentes significados en Sudáfrica. La superposición de sentidos sociopolíticos específicos que surgen de un legado de autoritarismo racial ha eclipsado tanto los sentidos ordinarios en…
Essere “Altro”: Recensione di The Lie of 1652
Di Dawie Coetzee. Originale: “None of the Above”: A Book Review of The Lie of 1652 del 17 ottobre 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In Sudafrica le parole assumono un significato diverso. La sovrapposizione di particolari significati socio-politici, eredità del dispotismo razziale, ha oscurato, fino a perderlo del tutto, il significato ordinario con cui certe…
“None of the Above”: A Book Review of The Lie of 1652
Words have different meanings in South Africa. The overlay of specific socio-political senses arising out of a legacy of racial authoritarianism has so overshadowed the ordinary senses in which common words are used elsewhere in the world, that words are as good as lost. Thus location as denoting the “township,” the companion or shadow town…
Vindicating the Luddites
I have for so long held the same ground – roughly where the anarchic end of Chestertonian Distributism overlaps the individualist end of Proudhonian Mutualism – that I am willing to go so far as to propose as a rule that getting it in the neck from both sides of a false dichotomy is a…
The Enragés: Typologies, Patterns, and Heuristics with Dawie Coetzee
​​For the 16th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann met with Dawie Coetzee to discuss Dawie’s article Towards Prefigurative Design (https://c4ss.org/content/56371). Dawie Coetzee is a former architect based in Cape Town, South Africa. He has described his position as roughly where the anarchic end of Chestertonian Distributism overlaps the individualist end of Proudhonian Mutualism….
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory