Tag: capitalism
A Política da Fome
Já vimos como as soluções políticas funcionam. É hora agora de a sociedade sair do sufoco do estado.
“Socialism” for Left Liberty
State socialism has attempted to realize socialism through the power of the state. Not surprisingly, given everything we know about states, state socialism has proven in most respects to be a disaster.
“Escândalo?” A FDA Está Apenas Fazendo o Trabalho Dela
Carson: Proteção às grandes empresas para que não sejam responsabilizadas de verdade
Risk, Reward and the New Class
Yep, those risk-averse New Classers definitely know something the rest of us do not.
Markets Freed From Capitalism by Charles Johnson on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
A Administração do Inadministrável
“A intervenção hegemônica,” escreveu Murray Rothbard, “substitui a ordem pelo … caos.”
The “Green New Deal”: Not Green, Not New, and Not Much of a Deal
Carson: It’s just a greenwashed version of mid-20th century, mass-production capitalism.
The Wobblies and Free Market Labor Struggle
Carson: Rather than negotiating on the bosses’ terms under the Wagner rules, we should be using network resistance and asymmetric warfare techniques to make the bosses beg us for a contract.
Dois Vivas para A História das Coisas
Kevin Carson elogia a metade da história em que Annie Leonard acerta.
Forty Acres and a Mule: Or Why Pat Buchanan Should Shut His Mouth
Kevin Carson: By any reasonable standard of justice, the plantations should have been broken up after the Civil War and the land given to the freed slaves.
“Inclusive Capitalism”: A Contradiction in Terms
D’Amato: Politics is a losing game for people who want freedom, and “inclusion” is a chimera when it comes to capitalism.
Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty as We Know It
Charles Johnson: The one thing that the government and its managerial aid workers will never do is just get out of the way.
Capitalism: Pharaoh’s Dream
Carson: We’re approaching victory in the five-thousand-year war between natural abundance and artificial scarcity.
The masses have become lazy, fat and stupid
Joe Bageant: The empire needs only about 20-25% of its population at the very most to administrate and perpetuate itself — What happens to the rest?
The Servile Senate
The report found — shock! — that, in Ganos’ words, you guessed it, “our senators’ votes are influenced.”
Réplica de Carson a Gregory
Kevin Carson: Já citei — muitas vezes — o dito de Stephen Biko segundo o qual a mais poderosa arma nas mãos do opressor é a mente do oprimido.
Anthony Gregory — Contra Kevin Carson quanto à Humanidade das Corporações e dos Professores do Governo
Anthony Gregory: Nem num milhão de anos eu teria tido a expectativa de concordar com Mitt Romney e discordar de Kevin Carson.
By Whom the Offence Cometh
Suzanne La Follette: Political government offers privilege every facility for circumventing the popular will whenever it becomes inimical to the interests of privilege, as it is the business of political government to do.
Modern Commerce
Away with the parent of monopoly — government — and all other monopolies will vanish like fog before the morning sun.
State Socialism and Anarchism by Benjamin Tucker on Youtube
There are two Socialisms. One is communistic, the other solidaritarian. One is dictatorial, the other libertarian.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory