Tag: capitalism
Em suma, o governo, em todos os níveis, oferece aquele tipo de “serviço público” do qual, se você não gostar, terá enorme dificuldade para desvencilhar-se.
The capital and land of the rich is worthless to them without a supply of labor to produce surplus value.
Kevin Carson: History can’t be done a priori.
Kevin Carson: Why are they doing it? Because they’re afraid of us.
Ken MacLeod: A society of conscious and voluntary co-operation can’t be established unconsciously or unwillingly.
Bill Moyers takes on the crony capitalists at ALEC.
Ken MacLeod: What if capitalism is unstable, and socialism is impossible?
Sem dúvida, Obama usa alguma retórica igualitária e de oposição às empresas.
If there are no capitalists pocketing the productivity gains for themselves, then the gains must go somewhere else.
«Социализация рисков и издержек, и приватизация прибылей»
What happens when a system of monopolism in health care is mistaken for “full-blown competition”…
Carson: El efecto natural de la competencia de mercado sin barreras es el socialismo.
No final, teremos de encontrar algum meio de sair da roda do hamster.
Commenter: capitalism is the enemy of free enterprise.
Vulgar libertarian watch…
no way that Big Biz could really be the villain of the tale
Alan Furth analiza algunos de los puntos ciegos más importantes del libertarismo vulgar en Argentina y su visión de la historia reciente del país.
Alan Furth on several of the most important blindspots of the vulgar-libertarian view of Argentina and its recent history.
Carson: “Un libre mercado… eliminará – o socializará – la mayor parte del valor de cambio de la economía y llevará la tasa de beneficio media mucho más cerca de cero”.
Carson: In such an economy, associated labor might hire capital instead of the other way around, and the natural state of the free market be cooperative production under the control of the producers.