Tag: canada
De Alex Aragona. Artículo original: The Beauty of Nationalism, publicado el 3 de octubre de 2020. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. Todos tenemos prejuicios, y para muchas personas el nacionalismo (incluso el grado más pequeño) es uno de ellos. Sin embargo, si su objetivo es entender el mundo, los sentimientos nacionalistas no le darán la…
De Andrew Kemle. Artículo original: Libertarianism vs Psychopathic Dumbfuckery de 21 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. La diferencia entre el libertarismo y la estupidez psicopática Rand Paul vuelve a ser noticia por intentar culpar al gobierno de los Estados Unidos, y al Dr. Anthony Fauci en particular, de crear la…
Di Andrew Kemle. Originale: Libertarianism vs Psychopathic Dumbfuckery del 21 marzo 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La differenza tra un libertario e uno stupido psicopatico Rand Paul torna alla ribalta accusando governo statunitense e soprattutto Anthony Fauci di aver creato la pandemia di covid-19. Lui e diversi altri incantatori insistono a dire, senza provarlo, che…
The Difference between Libertarianism and Psychopathic Dumbfuckery Rand Paul is in the news again for trying to blame the United States government, and Dr. Anthony Fauci in particular, for creating the COVID-19 pandemic. He and a few other mouthpieces have insisted, without evidence, that funding authorized by Fauci directly contributed to “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan…
We all have biases, and for many people nationalism (even the smallest degree of it) is one of them. However, if your goal is to understand the world, nationalist sentiments won’t give you the sturdiest foundation to do so. Nationalism shortcuts our thinking about the world. It awards a disproportionate amount of virtue points to…
Glenn Greenwald discusses the hawkishness of Hilary Clinton. Peter Van Buren discusses the destruction of Iraqi cities in order to “save” them. Ramzy Baroud discusses water being used as a weapon by Israel against the inhabitants of Palestine. Ben Ehrenreich discusses the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Jonathan Cook discusses Jewish Israeli Arabs and Israeli politics….
O Canadá recentemente anunciou planos para abrigar 25 mil refugiados sírios o quanto antes. Contudo, nem todos os refugiados serão considerados. Homens adultos sem famílias serão excluídos. O Canadá acrescentou uma estipulação permitindo aos refugiados homens entrar no Canadá se forem gays. Homens gays e todas as outras minorias sexuais e de gênero enfrentam grandes…
Canada recently announced plans to take in 25,000 Syrian refugees as soon as possible. However, not all refugees will be considered. Adult males without families will be excluded. Canada has added a stipulation permitting single male refugees to enter Canada if they are gay. Gay men and all other sexual and gender minorities face a…
Robert Parry discusses U.S. hypocrisy on bombing. John Feffer discusses modern day population transfers in the Middle East. Richard Falk discusses the situation in Yemen. Uri Avnery discusses Nasser. Michael Welton discusses Canadian foreign policy. Dan Sanchez discusses the recent bombing of an Afghan hospital. Roderick T. Long discusses banking freedom in ancient Athens. Lucy…
[O título deste artigo é um jogo de palavras com o nome da rede Burger King e com o regicídio, que significa o assassinato do rei (isto é, “king”).] O anúncio da compra da rede de fast food canadense Tim Hortons pelo Burger King e os novos planos da empresa de se mudar para o…
I had my first experience with the Canadian state this week. The immigration authorities questioned me about my trip to Canada. One dicey moment was when the customs officer asked about whether I paid taxes or not. I replied that I only pay sales tax. I haven’t made enough money to pay income tax since…
Mike Reid: They are seeking a path back to autonomy and self-determination.
Darian Worden doesn’t like the sound of “Your papers, please.”