Tag: anti-war
It’s about time someone challenged the phrase radical Islamic terrorism. The most objectionable part is the word radical since it is now popularly associated with aggression — violence against innocents — as an acceptable means to politico-religious ends. But nothing about the word radical implies approval of aggression or terrorism. Rather, the word signifies an approach that goes to the…
In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut and Kenya, CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta asked Barack Obama, “Why can’t we take out these bastards?” Acosta echoes many Americans who are hungry for revenge, and favor further military intervention in the Middle East. Ironically, those wishing to exact revenge with…
C4SS’s Tony Dreher (Senior Fellow & Audio/Visual Coordinator) and Kelly Vee (Advisor & Intern) recently sat down for a discussion surrounding Vee’s intellectual roots and her metamorphosis into a vegan, individualist anarcha-feminist. The audio clip is a little over 20 minutes.
Last night, Chris Matthews reminded Hardball viewers that there “were” “conspiracy theory-types” who believed FDR lied America into WWII. It sounds as if Matthews has only heard about, not actually read, historical accounts which question the high school textbook version of events leading up to America’s entry into WWII. I quote for him Ronald Radosh from…
Every year, we’re subjected to another round of mawkish, smarmy 9/11 memorial ceremonies whose main purpose is to maintain loyalty to the very national security state whose aggression brought the terror attacks of September 11 on us in the first place. It’s all part of an endless cycle, repeated over and over, dating back to…
On July 18th, Donald Trump enraged fellow Republicans by stating that Arizona Senator John McCain is “not a war hero.” Trump referenced McCain’s imprisonment by the North Vietnamese stating, “I like people that weren’t captured.” Americans like to think of all their armed servicemen as heroic, and this is especially true of McCain, a POW who was imprisoned…
A certain headline-grabbing Republican presidential candidate offered up his latest soundbite at a campaign event in Iowa on July 18 when he declared he “like[s] people who weren’t captured.” The reference was to Sen. John McCain, an ex-POW who spent five and a half years in a Vietnam prison camp. In America’s troop-worshipping society, there’s no greater offense than to disparage…
Dalla costa marocchina, nove migranti guardano al di là del Mediterraneo, verso la Spagna. C’è la possibilità di guadagnarsi la libertà, di ritagliarsi una esistenza decente. Sono scappati dalla Siria, il Sudan, lo Yemen, la Libia e da altri paesi in Medio Oriente e Nordafrica. Povertà, guerra, terrore, oppressione e perdita di tutti gli averi…
Il candidato democratico alla presidenza (americana, ndt) Lincoln Chafee sta facendo scalpore con una sua proposta in fatto di politica estera: un piano ardito per la “Promozione della Pace”. Il piano è ardito solo perché è rarissimo che un candidato alla presidenza ponga la pace incondizionata alla base della sua politica estera. Parlando a Rhode…
On the Moroccan Coast, nine migrants gaze across the Mediterranean Sea to Spain. Across the sea lies hope. There is a chance for freedom, a chance to carve out a good life. They have fled Syria, the Sudan, Yemen, Libya and other countries across the Middle East and North Africa. Poverty, war, terror, oppression and…
Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee is making waves with his odd foreign policy proposals — he’s put forth a daring plan to “Wage Peace”. The plan is daring only because it’s so rare for an American presidential candidate to make unconditional peace the cornerstone of his foreign policy. On Rhode Island Public Radio this week, one…
Hard to believe that 40 years ago the U.S. war in Vietnam ended. Actually, the war was against Indochina: remember Cambodia and Laos. (With previously unexploded ordnance from American cluster bombs killing people in those countries to this day, did the U.S. war really end?) It’s hard to believe because I can remember when I…
The L.A. Times recently reported on the U.S. Navy’s training of dolphins and sea lions as part of its seemingly limitless global war strategy. The Navy hopes that these animals’ biological capabilities will allow them to find underwater enemy mines and swimmers in “restricted areas”, on whom the sea lions would attach “bite plates”. While the Navy…
Il sito Antiwar.com (un nome che dice tutto) il diciotto marzo ha annunciato la decisione di Google Adsense di sospendere il suo conto, risorsa fondamentale per stare online, per aver pubblicato foto di torture e abusi scattate nella prigione militare di Abu Ghraib in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” 18 marzo)….
The website Antiwar.com (whose name is self-explanatory) announced March 18 that Google Adsense had suspended its account — a major source of the revenue it needs to stay online — for publishing new photos of torture and abuse from the Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” March…
If it seems like only months ago that America’s warmongers were claiming there would be no need for US boots on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State (IS), that’s because it was. When the politicians initially decided to promote IS to the position of threat du jour, they promised that threat could be eliminated without sacrifice of American…
Murray Rothbard once opined that there were only two “just wars” in all of American history. The wars in question were the American Revolutionary War and the secessionist war of the Confederate States during the American Civil War. Murray’s reasoning for including, at least, the war of the Confederacy is dubious. To quote his take…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Christiaan Elderhorst‘s ““Civilized” War is Permanent War” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. A number of ideas have been put forward to mediate the amount of innocent victims. Technology philosopher Christine Boshuijzen cites technologically impaired military officials as a reason for civilian deaths. Doctoral student Dieuwertje Kuijpers calls for more democratic…
Antiwar.com is having its annual fundraising drive right now. And it’s well worth contributing to. You won’t easily find a better and more comprehensive news source. The site also features great in house editorial writers like Lucy Steigerwald and Justin Raimondo. Not to mention providing links to many op-eds around the web. The site is…
È capitato ultimamente che persone all’interno delle forze armate hanno parlato di una carenza di droni che avrebbe rallentato la guerra contro Isis. Questo dopo che il presidente Obama aveva detto che le restrizioni imposte alla guerra condotta con i droni per minimizzare le vittime civili non sarebbero state applicate in Siria e Iraq. Secondo…