Editor’s Report, March 2016
C4SS produced some hard-hitting material in March. But then again, that’s nothing new. We always aim to bring you the most radical commentary on world headlines. Here are just a few of last month’s publications: Nathan Goodman remarked on the cold-blooded manner in which Washington’s Killing Machine carries out its mayhem. James Wilson and Sheldon…
Editor’s Report, February 2016
This month’s Editor’s Report may be brief, but that’s by no means an indication that our output has slowed. In fact, our prolific writers managed to produce a commentary or feature article almost every single day this month. My personal favorite was Nathan Goodman’s Don’t Change the Players, Change the Game. For those still under…
Editor’s Report, January 2016
C4SS kicked off 2016 with a bang. In January, Gary Chartier produced several op-eds, including the left-libertarian masterpiece What’s Wrong With Inequality? It reached the front page of Real Clear Markets. Kevin Carson looked at the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, ripping into vulgar libertarian calls for more water “privatization” as the remedy. Sheldon Richman exposed Hillary Clinton’s long…
Editor’s Report, December 2015
Happy 2016 from C4SS! 2015 was a productive year for us, thanks not only to our incredible contributors, but also our dedicated readers. In December, Grant Mincy examined the systematic depletion of Earth’s species and natural resources by the state and its powerful economic allies. The article was picked up by Truthout. Christmas season also…
Editor’s Report, November 2015
November was business as usual for C4SS in the op-ed department. We’ve always got the world’s events covered from our distinct left market anarchist perspective. Nick Ford called into question the state’s protection racket, providing us with some staggering statistics surrounding civil asset forfeiture. Joel Schlosberg commemorated the centennial anniversary of the execution of radical labor activist Joe…
Editor’s Report, October 2015
C4SS was awfully busy in the month of October tackling important and wide-ranging issues. Roderick Long reported on racial bias in America’s judicial system — particularly how it affects criminal defendants and jury composition. Jason Farrell discussed the contradiction-in-terms that is “libertarian” politicians, and why they fail to achieve success. I wrote on a subject…
Editor’s Report, September 2015
As always, C4SS had an active month covering the world’s major headlines. Dawie Coetzee explained how the Volkswagen scandal will only serve to empower the established auto industry, Volkswagen included. Dylan Delikta looked at the Syrian refugee crisis and the insidious role that nation-states and borders play. And Ryan Calhoun took apart the Kim Davis…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory