Tag: rent
Tragédia dos Comuns” (Primeira Parte)
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I, de 13 de fevereiro de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. Todos os Senhores da Terra são Péssimos Senhores Como uma lição de objeção em defesa de sua tese de que “o governo é um péssimos senhor da terra [landlords]”, Steven…
“La Tragedia dei Beni Comuni”, I Parte
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 13 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Tutti i Padroni di Casa sono Terribili Padroni A riprova della sua teoria per cui “lo stato è un terribile padrone di casa”, Steven Greenhut (su Reason, il primo dicembre) racconta di…
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part I
All Landlords Are Terrible Landlords As an object lesson in support of his thesis that “government is a terrible landlord,” Steven Greenhut (Reason, Dec. 1) recounts his experience trying to get action from his county government over complaints of a poorly maintained, overgrown vacant lot owned by the fire department.  I started making calls to…
Properti adalah Kekerasan, Jadi Mari Kita Tekan Seminimal Mungkin
Oleh: Trevor Hauge, Teks aslinya berjudul “Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum”, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. “Monopoli tanah… terdiri dari penegakan oleh pemerintah atas hak-hak atas tanah yang tidak bertumpu pada penghunian dan penggarapan pribadi… individu tidak boleh lagi dilindungi oleh sesamanya dalam hal apa pun kecuali penghunian dan penggarapan tanah secara…
La Proprietà è Violenza, Riduciamola al Minimo
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale pubblicato il 25 settembre 2023 con il titolo Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. “Il monopolio della terra… non è che l’imposizione da parte dello stato di diritti di proprietà terriera che non si riferiscono a una occupazione o coltivazione della terra……
Property is Violence, So Let’s Keep It to a Minimum
“The land monopoly… consists in the enforcement by government of land titles which do not rest upon personal occupancy and cultivation… the individual should no longer be protected by their fellows in anything but personal occupation and cultivation of land.” -Benjamin R. Tucker, “State Socialism and Anarchism” Ironically, the non-aggression principle as understood by much…
Damage Is Not Enough
Steven Greenhut, apparently filling in for Christian Britschgi as Reason’s resident landlord whisperer, recently voiced his concern that “The COVID-19 Pandemic Permanently Damaged Property Rights.”  I know proppity is a word to conjure with among right-libertarians. From my anarchist perspective, the term — as opposed to possession — carries far less weight. But I regard…
Anarchism and Cryptocurrency
Introduction Cryptocurrency, a digital currency in which transactions are verified and recorded by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority, is a controversial technology amongst anarchists, even though it is often used as a tool for undermining state power. The left generally sees cryptocurrency as a negative due to its function…
Spooner sobre la renta
De Roderick T. Long. Artículo original: Spooner on Rent, del 10 de agosto 2010. Traducido al español por: Juan Pirela Parra. Benjamin Tucker famosamente sostuvo que la propiedad de la tierra depende de la ocupación personal continua, así que cuando un propietario le alquila una parcela o un edificio a un arrendatario el “propietario” le…
Il Futuro del Proudhonismo Digitale
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 24 settembre 2018 con il titolo The Future of Digital Proudhonism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un recente articolo di Gavin Mueller per boundary 2 online journal, “Digital Proudhonism” è una critica marxista di quello che Mueller definisce “proudhonismo digitale”, un termine generico che indica chi crede che la tecnologia…
The Future of Digital Proudhonism
Gavin Mueller’s recent article for the boundary 2 online journal, “Digital Proudhonism” is a Marxist critique of what Mueller describes as “Digital Proudhonism,” a catchall term for those who believe that technology is lowering class barriers. Digital Proudhonism is not a formal ideology but rather an undercurrent expressed by a variety of individuals from all…
Radicalism or Rules of Thumb?
Radicalism or Rules of Thumb? William Gillis’s Response to Kevin Carson’s Rejoinder With such a nice response from Kevin it’s probably incumbent upon me to emphasize some disagreements — or perhaps just nuances — I was hoping to draw out. Along the way there are a few quibbles I’d make in response to Kevin’s commentary,…
Land Appraisers Need Not Be Corrupted
Land Appraisers Need Not Be Corrupted Existing Land Trusts Provide Us Ample Evidence While the rents of a land trust could be started with competitive bidding, I agree with Robert Kirchner that there should not be continuous bidding for plots of land. The land rents would be appraised by professionals. Robert is concerned that the…
The Attractions of Geo-Mutualism
The Attractions of Geo-Mutualism Appraisers Begone! I am neither a philosopher, nor an economist, nor a political scientist, and so I’ve found myself a bit out of my scholarly depth in this symposium. Prior to these exchanges, I had only slight understanding of Georgist land use proposals, and it had not occurred to me that…
Geo-mutualism Represents a Middle Ground
Geo-mutualism Represents a Middle Ground William Schnack’s Reply to Jason Byas on Economic Rent Jason Byas asks Fred Foldvary which territory is due the rent. “Do I owe rent to the territory roughly corresponding with Decatur, Georgia? Or is it something more like the size of DeKalb County? Or is it to something the size…
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy and Use Spectrum
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy-and-Use Spectrum Jason Byas’s Response to Kevin Carson Are We All Mutualists Now? Maybe: Lockeanism as Occupancy & Use The first thing to say in response to Kevin Carson’s opening essay is that he’s largely right. As this exchange’s representative Rothbardian, I agree with his suggestion that the differences…
Georgist Occupancy with Rent
Georgist Occupancy with Rent Community Rent Results in Fair and Optimal Use If a person has title to land, and pays its economic rent to the relevant community, then that person is, in effect, occupying the land. The economic rent is what a competitive tenant bids for the best use of the land. Suppose a…
Geo-Mutualism Offers Inter-Community Dispute-Resolution
Geo-Mutualism Offers Inter-Community Dispute-Resolution Carson’s Occupancy-and-Use Regime Has No Such Mechanism I’d like to thank Kevin Carson for taking the time to reply to my critique of his original statement. Before I continue to respond, I’d like to also take a quick moment to do something which I should have done in my first response,…
Property and the family are two ideas, for the attack and defense of which legions of writers have taken up arms during the last half century. Recent systems, founded upon old errors, but revived by the popular emotions which they aroused, have in vain disturbed, misrepresented, sometimes even denied, them. These ideas express necessary facts,…
Horizontal Self-Governance — The Only “Regulation” We Need
A common liberal or “progressive” criticism of so-called “sharing economy” entities like Uber, Lyft and Airbnb (usually appearing in venues like Salon or Alternet) is that they’re “unregulated.”   This implicitly assumes, of course, that regulations like the taxi medallion system exist for some idealistic purpose of serving the “public welfare” and not simply guaranteeing…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory