Tag: zionism
Oltre l’antisionismo
Di Trevor Hauge. Originale: Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough, del 4 dicembre 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Contro il nazionalismo in tutte le sue forme. In questo clima politico cinico e disonesto, ogni critica del sionismo viene tacciata di antisemitismo dai media moderati e di destra. La deputata statunitense Ilhan Omar, che più volte ha chiesto scusa…
I Nodi di Netanyahu Vengono al Pettine
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 14 dicembre 2023 con il titolo Netanyahu’s Chickens Come Home to Roost. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ovvero, Come gli stati si creano i nemici Probabilmente conoscete l’espressione “darsi la zappa ai piedi”. In un certo contesto significa che molte delle minacce esterne che gli stati nazionali si trovano ad…
Netanyahu’s Chickens Come Home to Roost
Or, How States Create Their Own Enemies You may or may not be familiar with the concept of “blowback.” Basically, it’s the idea that most foreign policy threats faced by nation-states are the unintended consequences of their own past foreign interventions and exercises of power. The October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel is a…
Anti-Zionism Isn’t Enough.
We Must Oppose Nationalism in All Forms. In today’s cynical and dishonest political climate every critique of Zionism is smeared as antisemitic by the right wing and moderate liberal media. For instance, no matter how many times US representative Ilhan Omar apologizes or clarifies the intentions of her statements against Israeli war crimes, she is time…
Israele e Palestina: Contro lo Stato Nazionale
Di John A. Rooke. Articolo originale: Israel and Palestine: Against the Nation State, del 15 novembre 2023. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Nella voce irata di una giovane ebrea sopravvissuta al massacro nel kibbutz Be’eri c’è disperazione e speranza riguardo la crisi attuale: “È stata la gente ad accorrere in aiuto. La gente. Lo stato non…
Israel and Palestine: Against the Nation State
The angry words of one young Jewish woman, a survivor of the Be’eri Kibbutz attack, reflect both the despair and hope of the current crisis, “it was citizens who came to help us. Citizens. The Government was nowhere.” Indeed, Bedouin from the Negev were among the first to organise volunteer teams to search for missing…
Il Sionismo e lo Stato Nazionale
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 9 novembre 2023 con il titolo Zionism and the Nation-State. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. I palestinesi non sono le uniche vittime In un articolo dal titolo “Memory Voids and Role Reversals,” la politologa Dana El Kurd, parla del suo choc all’apprendere dell’eccidio compiuto da Hamas il 7 ottobre,…
Zionism and the Nation-State
Palestinians Are Not the Only Victims In “Memory Voids and Role Reversals,” Palestinian political science professor Dana El Kurd writes of her jarring experience, hearing of the October 7th massacres by Hamas while visiting the Holocaust Tower at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. She notes the historic irony of Holocaust survivors seeking security from future…
The Enragés: Investigating Israel and Palestine with Sheldon Richman
In this eleventh episode of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson meets with prolific writer Sheldon Richman to discuss Zionism, the state of Israel, and whether or not there is hope for Palestinian freedom. Sheldon Richman is a writer, editor, pipe smoker, free thinker, libertarian market anarchist, grouser, and flosser. Author of six books, including “What…
Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião, QAnon e o Culto ao Estatismo
Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Título original: Protocols of the Elders of Zion, QAnon, and the Cult of Statism, 10 de outubro 2020. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. No início dos anos 1900, um livro anônimo popularmente conhecido como Os Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião começou a circular. Era uma publicação abertamente antissemita que afirmava, falsamente, ter sido escrita…
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, QAnon, and the Cult of Statism
In the early 1900s, an anonymous book known as The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion more commonly known simply as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion began circulating. It was a blatantly antisemitic publication falsely claiming to be written by the “elders of Zion” themselves and detailing their alleged plans…
Shimon Peres e l’Undici Settembre
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il primo ottobre 2016 con il titolo Shimon Peres and 9/11. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La morte dell’ex primo ministro e presidente israeliano Shimon Peres (93 anni), l’ultima figura importante tra i fondatori di Israele, ha generato un mare di tributi per un uomo…
Rethinking the U.S.-Israeli Relationship
The Benjamin Netanyahu on display in the days before and after Tuesday’s Israeli election is the same one who has been in power all these years. Right along, he was there for all to see, so no one should have been surprised by his performance. I seriously doubt that anyone really is surprised. Americans who…
Israel’s War on Gaza: The Context
Any discussion of Israel’s war on Gaza that does not focus on 1) the Zionist military’s and Israel’s systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians through roughly 1948 (that’s how Palestinian refugees ended up in the Gaza Strip); 2) the military conquest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967; 3) the Israeli/Egyptian blockade of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory