Tag: youth
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] The human rights of transgender people, and specifically of vulnerable transgender youth, are being systematically denied and dismantled all over the United States. To advance this violent oppression, the states and politicians in question use more than merely legislation…
Politicians in several states, notably including Arkansas, North Carolina, and Texas, have introduced new laws to attack trans children. In Arkansas, they’ve already passed several of these laws. It’s hard to keep up with each new bill. As of mid-April 2021, much of the attention focuses on sports and the NCAA’s responses, but some of…
Di Ryan Calhoun. Originale pubblicato il 31 gennaio 2016 con il titolo End Youth Imprisonment Now. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La settimana scorsa Obama ha messo fine all’isolamento per i minorenni rinchiusi nelle carceri federali. In un editoriale in cui annunciava una serie di atti esecutivi, il presidente cita i danni psichici causati dall’isolamento ai…
Nancy Reagan died on March 6, 2016 at the age of ninety four. She leaves behind a destructive legacy that will likely be with us for some time — Just Say No. Her unfortunate contribution to the War on Drugs seldom gets the negative treatment it deserves. The Just Say No campaign is often looked at as…
Last week president Obama put an end to the use of solitary confinement on youth locked up in the federal prison system. In an op-ed announcing a series of executive actions the president cited the particular psychological harms that young inmates face when being placed in solitary confinement. He rightly points out that a life in…
Darian Worden on the government’s response to e-peeping bureaucrats.