Tag: utilitarianism
“La Giustizia”, di Laurance Labadie
Di Eric Fleischmann. Articolo originale: Laurance Labadie’s “Justice” del 20 giugno 2022. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. La giustizia Fino a che punto è giustificabile, se è giustificabile, la violenza? Prima di rispondere dobbiamo dire cos’è la “giustizia”. Cosa intendiamo per giustizia? E dobbiamo intenderla in termini individuali o di società? Quanto hanno in comune…
Laurance Labadie’s “Justice”
Justice To what extent, if any, is violence justifiable? To answer this question some standard of “justice” must be postulated. What are we to understand by the term justice? Are we to determine it in terms of the individual or in terms of society? To what extent do these starting points overlap? Does the individual,…
A Cop, a Dog, and a Computer Walk into a Bar: Personhood & Moral Subjectivity
I’m mostly writing about morality because I would very much like to stop writing about morality. I say this because morality is, ultimately, a social construct — which isn’t to say that it’s nothing, but is to say that it’s malleable. It’s a feeling. You can’t whip out a morality-o-meter and measure morality. Even further,…
Should We Look Beyond our Noses?: Need Allocation, Near and Far
“We take politics that exclusively valorize the local in the guise of subverting global abstraction, to be insufficient…. Refusing to think beyond the micro-community, to foster connections between fractured insurgencies, to consider how emancipatory tactics can be scaled up for universal implementation, is to remain satisfied with temporary and defensive gestures.” -Laboria Cuboniks, Xenofeminism “[T]he…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory