Tag: uprising
Hapishanelerin Lağvedilmesi Uygulanabilir Bir Yöntemdir
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış, 26 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir. Kaliforniya’da mahkumlar korkunç insan hakları ihlallerine karşı mücadele ediyor. Bu yazının yazıldığı zamanlar üçüncü haftasına giren açlık grevine yaklaşık 1,000 mahkum katılmaya devam ediyordu. Grev başladığında 30,000 mahkum yemek yemeyi reddetmişti. Mahkumlar, BM, John McCain…
Riot Journalism
How to ethically cover social unrest is a complex debate, it is also an increasingly necessary one “A riot is the language of the unheard.” – Martin Luther King, 1966 Bogota, Colombia – Civil unrest is often the only available tool for people without voices. From the United States, to Berlin, to India, to Moscow,…
Prison Abolition is Practical
In California, prisoners are fighting back against appalling human rights violations. Their hunger strike is into its third week, with nearly 1,000 inmates still participating. When the strike began, 30,000 prisoners refused meals. The prisoners are striking against long term solitary confinement, a punishment recognized as a form of torture by sources as diverse as…
Free The Unions (and All Political Prisoners)
Today is May Day, or International Worker’s Day: an international day for celebrating the achievements of workers and the struggle for organized labor. You might have thought that the proper day was Labor Day, as traditionally celebrated on the first Monday in September. Not so; the federal holiday known as Labor Day is actually a Gilded Age bait-and-switch from 1894. It was crafted…
The System Needs Us, We Don’t Need the System
Darian Worden: The general public has power when they choose to use it. How powerful they can become and how beneficial their power will be rests on how much they continue to believe in authority.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory