Tag: trial by jury
Uma Abordagem Abolicionista à Violência Reacionária
Uma Abordagem Abolicionista à Violência Reacionária: Lições do Caso Kyle Rittenhouse De Spooky. Artígo original: An Abolitionist Approach to Reactionary Violence, de 6 de janeiro 2022. Em 25 de Agosto de 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse alvejou fatalmente duas pessoas e feriu uma, em um protesto contra o assassinato de Jacob Blake pela polícia. Apesar desse evento…
An Abolitionist Approach to Reactionary Violence
An Abolitionist Approach to Reactionary Violence: Lessons from the Kyle Rittenhouse Case On August 25th, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse shot two people dead and injured one at a protest against the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Though this event (and the trial proceedings that follow) will be the main focus of this article, my analysis and…
Black Jurors Need Not Apply on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “Black Jurors Need Not Apply” read by Moses Sayre Sukin and edited by Tony Dreher. The way in which jurors are chosen in the United States is intended to ensure an unbiased jury; and part of that process is the right of “peremptory challenge,” by which the prosecution and…
Black Jurors Need Not Apply
If you’re black, you may have trouble getting on to a jury. The way in which jurors are chosen in the United States is intended to ensure an unbiased jury; and part of that process is the right of “peremptory challenge,” by which the prosecution and the defense are each allowed to reject a certain…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory