Tag: state
Support C4SS with Bastiat & Proudhon’s “Free Money: A Debate”
For every copy of Frederic Bastiat and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s “Free Money: A Debate on Capital, Interest and Free Credit” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Capitalism versus Capitalism, Continued
The fact is, “capitalism” means, at best, the privilege-laden mixed economy we see all around us. We will fail to communicate if we ignore that fact.
Caia Fora, Lawrence O’Donnell
Embora os direitistas gostem de apresentar a questão como dizendo respeito a impedimento de o estado redistribuir a riqueza para baixo, a real questão diz respeito a conter a redistribuição da riqueza para cima pelo estado.
Some unions are more collusive than others
Weiland: If RTW folks truly believe that each and every worker deserves the right to negotiate individually with the capital union, why stop there?
Support C4SS with Carol Moore’s “Woman vs. the Nation State”
For every copy of Carol Moore’s “Woman vs. the Nation State” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Did the Early Factory Workers Welcome Their Fate?
If the cottagers had to leave the land because of acts of Parliament, how can we say simply that they chose “oppressive” factory work because it was the superior alternative?
The Trouble With “Sensible” Gun Regulations
Goodman: We cannot separate gun control from the rest of the state apparatus that enforces gun laws.
Vulgar Libertarianism Watch, Part 1
Kevin Carson: This school of libertarianism has inscribed on its banner the reactionary watchword: “Them pore ole bosses need all the help they can get.”
No Justice, No Peace: Attacking the Gun Culture at Its Source
Kevin Carson: Want social peace? Disarm the cops and soldiers. Take away the power of bloodsucking CEOs — created by the same state that would regulate guns — over our very right to exist on the earth.
On Dissolving the State, and What to Replace It With
If the privilege remains, statist “corrective” action will be the inevitable result.
Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace “Anti-Capitalism” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Ask Me What the Secret of “L – TIMING! – ibalertarianism” Is
But it’s a messed-up libertarianism that looks at that situation and says, “Man, first thing we gotta do is get rid of that welfare!”
Does “Right to Work” Approximate a “Free Market?”
Defenders of “right to work,” arguing on [a dialectical] basis, say that such laws, while formal restrictions on freedom of contract, are really restrictions on the exercise of a prior, larger grant of monopoly privileges to unions.
We Can’t Tweak Our Way to Freedom
Making the existing system “work better” doesn’t weaken that system, it strengthens that system. … The path of least resistance always leads away from, not toward, freedom.
Sheldon Richman Discusses the Term Capitalism versus Free Markets
Richman also discusses left and right conflationism and misplaced faith in the benevolence or adiaphorous nature of the state to solve or mitigate social problems.
After Greed, Comes Fear
The reality is considerably more complicated, with all sorts of permutations and combinations of public and private.
Michigan “Right to Work” and the Folly of Bourgeois Democracy
“The labourers have the most enormous power in their hands, and, if they once become thoroughly conscious of it and used it, nothing could withstand them”
“Right to Work”: Violation of Free Contract and Free Ride for Scabs
Kevin Carson: You’d almost think there was a hidden agenda here.
Support C4SS with Gina Lunori’s “If You Work for Peace, Stop Paying For War!”
For every copy of Gina Lunori’s “If You Work for Peace, Stop Paying For War!” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Si los “Progresistas” No Existieran, las Corporaciones Tendrían que Inventarlos
Kevin Carson: “La función central del estado es suprimir la competencia, crear sistemas artificiales de propiedad, y permitir que las clases económicas regentes extraigan rentas”.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory