Tag: revolution
November Eleventh, Twenty Years Ago
Throughout most of this speech Voltairine recounts a recent article on the subject of the Haymarket Affair and both gives it limited amounts of praise and a lot more harsh critique where she thinks it deserves it. She points out that she didn’t believe Lingg’s lover at the time gave him the bomb and it’s…
Memorial Address
Here, Voltairine recounts why the act that the martyrs did was noble and uses several biblical verses and references throughout to (ironically) prove or add to her points (this was a favorite rhetorical device of Voltairine’s throughout her writings). The end of this speech and the notation of “the judgement” reflects Voltairine’s continuing belief of…
The Eleventh of November 1887
This speech is notable for quite a few things. The beginning part in which Voltairine admits that she had, at first, openly dismissed the martyrs and cheered for their death to be had. This gives us the whole reason (or at least one of the major ones) for why Voltairine did these speeches: a matter…
Our Martyred Comrades
In this speech Voltairine details the theoretical engagements Parsons and the rest of the martyrs were interested in (i.e. what they stood for and what they did not), what anarchism means and uses the stunning visuals of Olive Schreiner’s “Three Dreams in a Desert”, using her “Land of Freedom” and bridge metaphors specifically at a…
November Eleventh
Voltairine uses much of the beginning of this speech to speak through the voices of the martyrs  to let their voices be heard (very much in the spirit of Spies’ last statements). So that should be noted when Voltairine speaks of communism as the one alternative to the crisis that capitalism creates. Past that Voltairine…
November 11th
In this speech Voltairine recounts the events of November 11th and details why the trial and rulings were obvious shams. In doing this she speaks of the bomb as a “Vengence” (implying the police attacked first and that the bomb was therefore justified) but as we now know, the bomb was thrown before the police…
The Fruit of the Sacrifice
In the time after the Haymarket Affair it was most likely pretty common to have many big questions in the anarchist “scene” at the time about the incident. One of which was probably, “was the sacrifice worth it?” “how should we feel about it?” and in the first speech in this compilation de Cleyre tries…
The First Mayday – Introduction
Introception: An Introduction to an Introduction Paul Avrich was and still is an acclaimed historian of anarchism and for good reason. First beginning with his research of Russia and the time of the USSR he was fascinated by those who stood in opposition to the early rule and especially the anarchists. From there he would…
May Day “Un-American?” It’s as American as Apple Pie!
Carson: If you’re unfamiliar with the history of May Day, you might be surprised to learn not only that it originated in the United States, but that it was strongly supported by American free market anarchists.
Now Hear This: There is a Difference Between Left Libertarians and Liberaltarians
Knapp: There’s some ideological overlap, but it’s fuzzy. There are some people with one foot in each of the two camps (I used to be one of them; now I’m not), which can be confusing.
The C4SS Tor Node Fundraiser – Going on Two Years!
“We have done this because we love liberty and hate authority.” – Voltairine de Cleyre
The Center for a Stateless Society and Freed Market Anti-Capitalism
Tuttle: An introduction to a left libertarian conception of political economy that has emerged from many collaborative and challenging conversations within the market anarchist milieu, known as Freed Market Anti-Capitalism.
Robert Higgs on “Libertarian Wishful Thinking”
Higgs: Wishful thinking about the impending triumph of liberty may be uplifting for libertarians, but it avails neither them nor the world anything of real importance.
Contra el Periodismo “Objetivo”
Carson: “La infraestructura humana del reportaje tradicional es un ejército magnífico. Pero como Lincoln dijo a McClellan, ‘si no tienes pensado hacer algo con ese ejército, ¿puedes prestármelo?'”
Decentralizing Science: Local Biohacking
Sebastian A.B.: The amateur, tinkering genius in her garage now finds a home with communities of researchers engaged in playful cleverness. Biology, formerly prohibitively expensive, is now fertile ground for the hacking of positive Black Swans.
A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell
Unlike many dissident histories of the United States, which attempt to portray racial minorities, sexual subcultures and subordinate classes as “worthy victims” in terms of the social mores of the white middle class, Thaddeus Russell celebrates the kind of people that your parents may have warned you about: the low-down, no-count, not-respectable people. You know,…
How bad is the U.S. government?
It is the responsibility of libertarians to once again pick up the banner of true radicalism, of the anti-draft, anti-militarist, anti-imperialist, and anti-feudal movements.
“Bring on the Drones!” by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “Bring on the Drones!”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
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A Bit About Bourgeois Libertarianism
Thomas L. Knapp: Bourgeois libertarianism is a failure not of theory or of ideology, but of imagination.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory