Tag: neurodiversity
Las limitaciones del contra-elitismo
De Spooky. Artículo original: The Limitations of Contra-Elitism, publicado el 31 de mayo de 2022. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. El 21 de mayo de 2021, el Centro publicó un artículo de Andrew Kemle titulado “Libertarianism vs Psychopathic Dumbfuckery”. El artículo analiza el papel activo de Rand Paul en la campaña de desinformación en curso contra…
The Limitations of Contra-Elitism
On May 21st, 2021, the Center published a piece by Andrew Kemle titled “Libertarianism vs Psychopathic Dumbfuckery.” The article discusses Rand Paul’s active role in the ongoing disinformation campaign against vaccination and COVID response more generally, focusing specifically on his promotion of conspiracies blaming eminent immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci and the U.S. government for “creating…
Вооружите психически больных
7 августа Джеймс Холмс, стрелявший в кинотеатре, был приговорен к пожизненному заключению. На слушаниях по вынесению приговора мать Холмса заявила, что он был милым, невинным мальчиком, чья психическая болезнь преследовала его и в конечном итоге превратила в убийцу. От Колумбайна до Чарльстона, каждый раз, когда белый человек открывает огонь, психическое заболевание служит оправданием. Вместо того…
“Anarchismo Matto”
[Di Vikky Storm. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 19 aprile 2017 con il titolo It’s Time for “Mad Anarchism”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Per molte persone, la malattia mentale è un terribile Altro che genera vergogna e insulti. Le stragi sono colpa dei malati di mente. I leader autoritari sono autoritari…
It’s Time For “Mad Anarchism”
For many people, mental illness is a terrifying Other to be shamed and attacked. The mentally ill are to blame for mass shootings. Authoritarian leaders are only authoritarian because they are mentally ill. Mental healthcare means locking people up or medicating them until they act “normal.” But this stigma is largely unearned. Mentally ill people are more…
Obama’s Tears for Ableist Fears
(Content Warning: Brief discussions of suicide) President Obama has announced executive actions in response to the “outbreak” of gun violence. In particular Obama has said he’ll increase the efficiency of background checks. Obama’s reasoning comes from the belief that gun violence is on the rise. But as Reason‘s Jesse Walker reported in early December, “More people die in…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory