Tag: native americans
Labadie Reviews Nock
Labadie Reviews Nock Our Enemy, the State, by Albert Jay Nock* Mr. Nock begins with the vital distinction between the State and society, showing in the course of his work, that the State, every State, originated and functions for only one purpose—conquest and economic exploitation. Although resting upon violence, the State, in the final analysis,…
La Terra dei Fuochi
Di Roderick Long. Originale pubblicato il 12 settembre 2018 con il titolo Reign of Fire. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Gli incendi che devastano la California sono un dono offerto dallo stato? Così sostiene William Finnegan in un recente articolo: “California Burning”. Secondo Finnegan, le origini del disastro sono da ricercare nell’ampliamento dei compiti del servizio…
Reign of Fire
Are the wildfires that have been devastating California a gift from government?  So argues William Finnegan in a recent article, “California Burning.” According to Finnegan, the seeds of disaster were planted when the mission of the U.S. Forest Service was expanded in the early decades of the 20th century: The Forest Service, no longer just…
Not in Tillerson’s Back Yard!
You’re probably aware that Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson — just as you’d expect from a former ExxonMobil CEO — is a big fan of fracking and pipelines. He’s a big fan of them with one exception. He’s joining a lawsuit to prevent a fracking operation next to his wife’s $5 million…
Territori Indiani: L’esproprio Continua
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto dicembre 2016 con il titolo Native Land: The Expropriation Continues. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] La percentuale di territorio che resta agli indiani, dopo secoli di ruberie e genocidi, è attualmente il 2% circa del territorio americano formato da riserve. Adesso la ciurma di…
Native Land: The Expropriation Continues
The land remaining to America’s First Nations, after centuries of robbery and genocide, currently stands at the roughly 2% of U.S. territory enclosed within reservations. Now Trump’s incoming crew wants to “privatize” (loot) it (Valerie Volvovici, “Trump Advisors Want to Privatize Oil-Rich Indian Reservations,” Reuters). The fact that this two percent of the land may…
The Future of the Dakota Access Pipeline
In a PBS segment Oct. 24, Judy Woodruff asked “What will Dakota Access protesters do if final pipeline restrictions are lifted?” Her guest William Brangham, who’s been covering the confrontation for PBS Newshour, elaborates: People don’t exactly know what’s going to happen. If the Army Corps agrees to this last permit and says to the…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 142
Lucy Steigerwald discusses U.S. nuclear policy. Stephen Kinzer discusses the danger of American primacy. Khaled Diab discusses Israel’s war on peaceful activism. Uri Avnery discusses Abbas and Israel-Palestine. Nadia Naser-Najjab discusses Shimon Peres. Radley Balko discusses police brutality. Karen J. Greenberg discusses what actually keeps us safe. Ivan Eland discusses how the first debate shows…
“Libertarian” DAPL Shill Defends “Property Rights” of Robbers
I keep thinking I couldn’t be any more repulsed by right-libertarian apologists for big business. And every time, I run across something like William F. Shughart II’s crude apologetic for the Dakota Access Pipeline at the so-called “libertarian” Independent Institute (“Environmentalists’ Questionable Tactics in North Dakota,” Sept. 12). Since the beginning of capitalism, its propagandists…
Criminalizing Poverty on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Criminalizing Poverty” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. The honest truth is that these phony Leftist anti-“trafficking” crusaders really don’t care if their pet agenda hurts the real flesh and blood human beings it’s ostensibly intended to benefit. As their Conservative fellow traveler, Canadian Senator Donald…
Criminalizing Poverty
In the latest example of third-party payment processor crackdown on sex work, Visa and MasterCard have announced they won’t process payments to Backpage.com, a popular adult advertising site.  Of course second-wave radical feminists frame it as a “progressive” way to “make the average trafficker or pimp’s life more difficult.” But as Miss Andrie argues in…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory