Tag: money
“[Bitcoin]’s a bubble,” asserts Alan Greenspan — who, as chair of the US Federal Reserve, oversaw a 77.5% inflation of the US dollar. Greenspan asserts that “you have to really stretch your imagination to infer what the intrinsic value of Bitcoin is. I haven’t been able to do it.” Somehow, however, he can stretch his…
Matonis: Bitcoin is not a governmental instrument of legal tender that requires regulatory legitimacy and coercion by law in order to gain acceptance.
Knapp: Is Bitcoin the end of political government? No, but it’s part of the beginning of the end of political government.
M. George van der Meer: Monopoly and inordinate accumulation naturally attend one another.
Jon Matonis: Bitcoin is not about making rapid global transactions with little or no fee. Bitcoin is about preventing monetary tyranny.
Carson: The state is the instrument of armed force by which an economic ruling class extracts rents from the producing majority of a society.
Kevin Carson sienta las bases para una fusión entre los delirantes monetarios de izquierda y de derecha.
Darian Worden: Alternative economies may gain participants worldwide as the established economy fails to meet needs.
Kevin Carson outlines a basis for left-right money crank fusion.