Tag: media
Another Iranian Non-Threat
This image tweeted by Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has a lot of people upset. Is it supposed to be Barack Obama holding a gun to his own head?What if it is? The picture is hardly threatening or aggressive in any way. After all, it’s not a picture of Khamenei holding a gun to…
Good Riddance to Old News Outlets on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Good Riddance to Old News Outlets” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Rather than having a handful of sources owned by the elite, we have infinite options to choose from. While it is true that much of internet content is rubbish, much of it is also greatly…
Prima Cosa, Ammettere le Torture
È stato pubblicato un sommario minimo, parziale, fortemente censurato del rapporto che il senato americano ha redatto sul programma di torture della Cia dopo l’undici settembre. Il modo in cui i media di regime hanno accolto il rapporto illustra il problema in questione non meno del rapporto in sé. Come direbbe un tossicodipendente che cerca…
The First Step is Admitting That It’s Torture
The US Senate’s minimal, partial, heavily redacted summary of its report on the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program is out. That report’s reception by establishment media turns out to be at least as demonstrative of the problem it addresses as the report itself. As any recovering addict will helpfully inform you, the first step is admitting the…
Missing Comma: Harm Reduction Meets Ethical Ambiguity
So there are at least two student newspapers on the UC Santa Barbara campus: The Daily Nexus, and The Bottom Line. One paper, the Nexus, has had nearly wall-to-wall coverage of the Isla Vista shooting that happened last Friday. By all accounts, Nexus editor-in-chief Marissa Wenzke was one of the first journalists on the scene, period –…
Missing Comma: “What is Vox? And Why Should Anyone Care?”
This week’s blog topic is derived from a tweet posted by Dave Zirin earlier this week, following new media site and Ezra Klein vessel Vox posting a silly and weightless article about Solange Knowles beating up on Jay Z in an elevator titled, “Who Is Solange? And Why Is She Attacking Jay Z?” The article…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Media Against The Prison State
State violence thrives in the dark. This is why the state secrets privilege is so abused, it’s why the Obama administration has viciously persecuted whistleblowers, and it’s why states benefit from a  media climate where their legitimacy is assumed and radical ideas aren’t heard. So today I want to highlight some people both inside and…
Missing Comma: Studioless Podcasting #3
Previous columns in this series explored briefly the hows and whats of studioless podcasting. This final installment hopes to explain the “why”. Why is studioless podcasting important? Podcasting represents a radical decentralization of the airwaves that can’t actually take place on the airwaves, for a few reasons. Most people conceive of FM radio as being…
Missing Comma: Studioless Podcasting #2
After reading last week’s column, you went out (or stayed in, depending on the weather) and bought/downloaded/rigged up your own podcast studio, and now you’re… stuck. You’re staring at your phone, the app you’re recording with is running, and no words are coming out. You might feel the urge to panic; I’ve spent more time…
Missing Comma: The Kellers Vs. Blogging
Over the weekend, Bill and Emma Keller declared which side they were on in the ongoing blogger vs. journalist debate, and they did it in the worst way I could conceive of: They tag-team attacked a woman with stage four breast cancer for daring to tweet about her experiences, and daring to be optimistic about…
Climate Change, Institutions and Emerging Orders
The long-awaited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2013 report is now making headlines. The report is designed to inform the global community about the current state of climate science — the scientific debate, consensus and (most importantly) data. We will learn of the latest scientific projections of temperature increase, sea level rise and extremes in weather. The report is seven…
Who Needs an Official State Media When We’ve Got CNN?
In a recent Esquire column (“Dianne Feinstein Defines ‘Journalist,’” September 19), Charles Pierce recalled presidential historian George Reedy’s prediction years ago that so-called “shield laws,” which protect reporters against criminal prosecution for not revealing their sources, would involve de facto government licensing of the press. After all, the law would have to define who qualified…
The New Fourth Estate: Anonymous, Wikileaks and –archy
Sebastian A.B.: The techno-libertarian culture has birthed the do-it-yourself Fourth Estate—usurping the illegitimate media and furnishing a viable alternative to the cartelized press. Two entities, Wikileaks and Anonymous, have emerged under this banner.
Grupo Clarín versus Governo Argentino: Quando a Árvore Esconde o Bosque
Conceber o estado como inimigo das corporações simplesmente por causa de uma disputa entre um governo específico e um ex-aliado específico é exemplo perfeito da árvore que tolda a visão do bosque.
Clarín Group vs. the Argentine Government: Failing to See the Forest for the Trees
Alan Furth: Conceptualizing the state as the enemy of corporations simply because of a quarrel between a particular government and a particular former crony, is a perfect instance of failing to see the forest for the trees.
El Gobierno Argentino Contra el Grupo Clarín: Cuando el Árbol Impide Ver el Bosque
Alan Furth: “Concebir al estado como el enemigo de las corporaciones simplemente por una pelea entre un gobierno particular y un ex-aliado particular es un ejemplo perfecto del árbol que impide ver el bosque.”
A Libertarian Conversation on the Prison Industrial Complex
The conversation on prison profiteering and the American state’s slave trade hits the radio!
Hurricane Reality
Darian Worden on questions raised by Hurricane Irene: media presentation, and government versus cooperative responses.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory