Tag: left-libertarian
Carson Interviewed on Liberty Minded
C4SS Senior Fellow and Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory Kevin Carson was recently interviewed on the Liberty Minded podcast by Jason Lee Byas, Grayson English and Trevor Hultner.
The Center for a Stateless Society and Freed Market Anti-Capitalism
Tuttle: An introduction to a left libertarian conception of political economy that has emerged from many collaborative and challenging conversations within the market anarchist milieu, known as Freed Market Anti-Capitalism.
Any (Good) Thing the State Can Do, We Can Do Better
The question whether people in a stateless society could respond satisfactorily to a disaster like the BP oil spill is really just a special case of the general question whether people without the state can do the things people attempt to do through the state. It seems to me that the answer is “yes.” That’s…
Class vs. “Identity Politics,” Intersectionality, Etc.: Some General Observations
Carson: Intersectionality undermines the ruling class’s “divide and conquer” strategies of labor market segmentation as a strategy for weakening the bargaining power of labor.
“The Star Fraction – Introduction to the American Edition” by Ken MacLeod on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Ken MacLeod‘s “The Star Fraction – Introduction to the American Edition”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Bastiat on the Socialization of Wealth
Richman: But wait – Frédéric Bastiat! – wealth marvelously passing from the private to the communal domain? It sounds like a socialist’s redistributionist fantasy!
Prisons Can’t Stop Rape Culture, Grassroots Intervention Can
Goodman: Future Steubenvilles can be prevented by creating a culture where people stand up for each other’s basic rights and take issues of consent seriously.
How bad is the U.S. government?
It is the responsibility of libertarians to once again pick up the banner of true radicalism, of the anti-draft, anti-militarist, anti-imperialist, and anti-feudal movements.
The Quality of Publicness
Coetzee: We may call a thing public because it belongs to the public and thus in a sense proceeds from the public; or we call a thing public because it is intended for the public.
“The Distinctiveness of Left-Libertarianism” by Gary Chartier on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Gary Chartier’s “The Distinctiveness of Left-Libertarianism“, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Politics Against Politics
Roderick T. Long: The libertarian struggle against statist oppression needs to be integrated (or re-integrated) with traditionally left-wing struggles against various sorts of non-state oppression.
Remarks on Jan Narveson’s “Libertarianism: the Thick and the Thin”
Charles Johnson: If libertarianism needs to slim down, which specific varieties of thickness does it need to avoid—and what’s the health benefit to doing so?
A Bit About Bourgeois Libertarianism
Thomas L. Knapp: Bourgeois libertarianism is a failure not of theory or of ideology, but of imagination.
William Gillis’s “From Whence do Property Titles Arise?” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Why Does Justice Have Good Consequences?
Roderick Long: I’m hoping to make you puzzled about a problem that has puzzled me on and off over the years. Misery loves company, I suppose —
Speaking On Liberty: Sheldon Richman
In this episode of Speaking On Liberty’s Jason Lee Byas and Kyle Platt interview C4SS Senior Fellow, C4SS Trustee Chair and Free Association blogger Sheldon Richman.
A “Political” Program for Anarchists
Kevin Carson: I’m not calling for “anarchist politicians” to run for office and exercise political power. Our involvement in politics should take the form of pressure groups and lobbying, to subject the state to as much pressure as possible from the outside.
Libertarian Anticapitalism, Definitions and Distinctions
The following two comments were written by Charles Johnson in response to comments, concerns and misreadings regarding his article Libertarian Anticapitalism.
Roderick T. Long’s “A Plea for Public Property” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Support C4SS with The Molinari Institute’s “The Industrial Radical”
For every copy of “The Industrial Radical: Liberty the Mother not the Daughter of Order” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory