Tag: landlord
Tragédia dos Comuns” (Primeira Parte)
Por Kevin Carson. Artígo original: “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I, de 13 de fevereiro de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. Todos os Senhores da Terra são Péssimos Senhores Como uma lição de objeção em defesa de sua tese de que “o governo é um péssimos senhor da terra [landlords]”, Steven…
“La Tragedia dei Beni Comuni”, I Parte
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 13 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Tutti i Padroni di Casa sono Terribili Padroni A riprova della sua teoria per cui “lo stato è un terribile padrone di casa”, Steven Greenhut (su Reason, il primo dicembre) racconta di…
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part I
All Landlords Are Terrible Landlords As an object lesson in support of his thesis that “government is a terrible landlord,” Steven Greenhut (Reason, Dec. 1) recounts his experience trying to get action from his county government over complaints of a poorly maintained, overgrown vacant lot owned by the fire department.  I started making calls to…
Nessuno Pensa ai Poveri Latifondisti che Pagano le Tasse?
Di Kevin Carson. Titolo originale: Won’t Somebody Think of the Poor Taxpaying Landlords? del primo ottobre 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Su Reason, Liz Wolfe (“Did NYC Just Kneecap Airbnb?”), esce dal suo solito giustificazionismo delle piattaforme tecnologiche e invade il campo di Christian Britschgi, la voce dei latifondisti immobiliari. Confesso che l’idea di…
Won’t Somebody Think of the Poor Taxpaying Landlords?
At Reason (“Did NYC Just Kneecap Airbnb?”), Liz Wolfe seems to be diversifying beyond her normal focus on tech platform apologetics and crowding onto the turf of resident landlord whisperer Christian Britschgi. I confess my first reading of the title brought a smile to my face — probably not the effect Wolfe intended — as…
No, Capitalism Isn’t Making Us All Richer and Richer
If you frequent mainstream right-libertarian publications on anything like a regular basis, you’ve probably seen more than one of those breathless articles about how capitalism is making the ordinary poor person richer than a medieval king. For example Calvin Beisner: “No matter how rich you might have been” 150 years ago, “You could not have…
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy and Use Spectrum
How Rothbardians Occupy Part of the Occupancy-and-Use Spectrum Jason Byas’s Response to Kevin Carson Are We All Mutualists Now? Maybe: Lockeanism as Occupancy & Use The first thing to say in response to Kevin Carson’s opening essay is that he’s largely right. As this exchange’s representative Rothbardian, I agree with his suggestion that the differences…
Georgist Occupancy with Rent
Georgist Occupancy with Rent Community Rent Results in Fair and Optimal Use If a person has title to land, and pays its economic rent to the relevant community, then that person is, in effect, occupying the land. The economic rent is what a competitive tenant bids for the best use of the land. Suppose a…
Use-and-Occupancy: Practical Issues
Use-and-Occupancy: Practical Issues Robert Kirchner’s Response to Kevin Carson I have no desire to exchange ‘salvos’ with anybody, least of all Kevin Carson, whose work I greatly admire, who has greatly helped me to clarify my own thought on a range of economic and political issues, and who has strengthened my hope in anarchist strategies…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory