Tag: justice
What Amanda Knox Teaches Us About Privilege And Systems of Justice
Although she may not realize it, Amanda Knox, the American citizen recently convicted of murder by the Italian government, has provided a teachable moment to illustrate what privilege is. In 2009, Knox was charged with murdering Meredith Kercher, a British student she roomed with while studying abroad. After being acquitted following an appeal in 2011,…
Private Violence
The new HBO documentary Private Violence, which recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, follows victim advocate Kit Gruelle as she helps various victims of domestic abuse seek justice and freedom from their abusers. Gruelle is a domestic violence survivor herself, and her own story of abuse is told alongside the stories of women who she assists….
Thought Crimes, School Shootings and the State
In our attempts to stop the monsters terrorizing our children, we have ourselves become monsters. We never notice when the transformation occurs. We don’t even fully realize it until years into our rampage. But one day, we wake up and look into the mirror, and the face peering back at us is unrecognizable. On Friday,…
Justice? Just Kidding!
It happens so often these days that it almost passes without notice: A young defendant, accused of some awful crime, is “charged as an adult.” Such is the case of 14-year-old Philip Chism of Andover, Massachusetts. The Danvers High School student, prosecutors allege, followed 24-year-old math teacher Colleen Ritzer into a bathroom, punched her in…
Liberty Minded Extended Interview With Gary Chartier
http://youtu.be/eZ0CsXmcjzE C4SS Trustee and Senior Fellow, Gary Chartier, discusses the prospects of achieving social justice through liberty with Jason Lee Byas and Grayson English of Liberty Minded.
Zimmerman and Manning: The Demands of Justice
Long after the February 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, defendant George Zimmerman, has been found not guilty by a jury of his peers. The case has remained a hot topic for media since it was first reported. The unarmed teenager was shot and killed in a street fight with Zimmerman, a 29-year-old member of his neighborhood…
True Justice Must Be Served For Guantanamo Detainees
President Barack Obama lifted a moratorium on transfers of Guantanamo bay detainees to Yemen – a moratorium he put in place. Why Obama put this moratorium into place after vowing, on a multitude of occasions, to do whatever he could to restore justice and shut down Gitmo is neither here nor there. I don’t intend…
Why Does Justice Have Good Consequences?
Roderick Long: I’m hoping to make you puzzled about a problem that has puzzled me on and off over the years. Misery loves company, I suppose —
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Goodman: Anti-transgender violence is a tremendous assault on liberty. Today, let’s remember the dead. Tomorrow, let’s fight for them.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory