Tag: John Locke
“La Tragedia dei Beni Comuni”, II Parte
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 27 febbraio 2024 con il titolo “Tragedy of the Commons” Part I. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. I Deboli Stereotipi dei Libertari di Destra Pare che i libertari di destra non riescano a fare a meno di Garrett Hardin e della sua cosiddetta “tragedia dei beni comuni”. Sembrano ossessionati…
“Tragedy of the Commons” Part II
The Poverty of Right-Libertarian Cliches Right-libertarians, it seems, have a love affair with Garrett Hardin and his so-called “tragedy of the commons.” It’s a principle to which they return, time and again. But as a foundation, it is historically illiterate; and the structure which they erect upon it is conceptually incoherent. Take, for example, Saul…
John Locke ve Mülkiyet Haklarının Sözde Metafizik Gerçekliği
“Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Can Standke tarafından kaleme alınmış. 1 Ocak 2021 Tarihinde “John Locke and the Supposedly Metaphysical Reality of Property Rights” başlığı altında yayınlanmıştır. İster emeği bir zenginlik kaynağı olarak gören Adam Smith olsun, isterse Karl Marx’ın emeğin insanlığı oluşturduğu iddiası olsun, emeğin çeşitli nitelendirmeleri ortaya konmuş olsa da emeği meşru mülkiyet iddialarının…
John Locke e la Presunta Realtà Metafisica del Diritto di Proprietà
Di Can Standke. Originale pubblicato il primo gennaio 2021 con il titolo John Locke and the Supposedly Metaphysical Reality of Property Rights. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tra le tante caratterizzazioni del lavoro, da quella di Adam Smith che lo considera fonte di ricchezza a quella di Karl Marx per cui lavoro è umanità, John Locke…
John Locke and the Supposedly Metaphysical Reality of Property Rights
Even though manifold characterisations of labour have been put forward, be it Adam Smith who regards it as a source of wealth, or Karl Marx’s claim that labour constitutes humanity, it is John Locke who uniquely among them regards labour as the source of legitimate property claims. Modern libertarians often refer to Lockean conceptions of…
Mutual Exchange Radio: William Gillis on Positive and Negative Liberty
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify, and SoundCloud.  Our guest this month was someone familiar to many in the audience, Will Gillis. Will is the director of the Center for a Stateless Society and is a second-generation anarchist who’s worked as an activist in countless projects since getting involved…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 136
Joseph Cozza discusses the conflict in Yemen and how to resolve it. Ramzy Baroud discusses the repression of civil society groups opposed to Israeli policy. Stephen Zunes discusses the bellicose rhetoric of both major party platforms on Iran. Medea Benjamin discusses the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia and their use in Yemen. Glenn Greenwald…
The Natural Right of Cryptographic Governance
In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and around the U.S., sentiment among the governing class is turning powerfully against encryption. Reuters reports an impending “crackdown” on Bitcoin in the EU. Other reports suggest France could inhibit Tor and free wi-fi at will. U.S. officials have taken the opportunity to go on…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 104
Ran HaCohen discusses the current conflict in Jerusalem and the intentions of the Israeli government. Andrew J. Bacevich discusses whether the U.S. can leave Afghanistan or not. Richard M. Ebeling discusses individualism vs sacrificial collectivism. George H. Smith discusses John Locke’s justification of private property. Sarah Lazare discusses a new study showing corporate media refuse…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 102
Robert Parry discusses U.S. hypocrisy on bombing. John Feffer discusses modern day population transfers in the Middle East. Richard Falk discusses the situation in Yemen. Uri Avnery discusses Nasser. Michael Welton discusses Canadian foreign policy. Dan Sanchez discusses the recent bombing of an Afghan hospital. Roderick T. Long discusses banking freedom in ancient Athens. Lucy…
Political Authority with a Good Sense of Huemer (Part 1 of 2)
The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey, by Michael Huemer (Palgrave McMillan – 2012) Introduction The Problem of Political Authority, by Michael Huemer (2012) was collecting dust on my bookshelf until a month ago. I received it from a friend around a year ago, and…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory