Tag: Gay Rights
ANGL: Ratchelor with Brianna Coyle
Tune in this Friday at 7:00 PM as the crew plays Ratchelor and Brianna Coyle joins us to discuss How Furry Fandom is Used as a Proxy War on Queer Folks. We’ll be raising funds for the ACLU and celebrating pride month while discussing how things took such a sharp turn towards bigotry in recent…
Copyright vs. The Desktop Regulatory State: Online Communities Strike Back!
The Bible Reloaded is a Youtube channel, in which hosts Hugo and Jake review films, kids shows, religious comics and more from an atheistic, secular humanist perspective. Their work tends to be humorous and the targets of their criticism are often religious films. They watch these Mystery Science Theater style and comment on bad acting,…
Il Fine è l’Amore Libero
Venerdì 26 giugno, la corte costituzionale americana ha stabilito, con un voto di cinque contro quattro, che il matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso è protetto dalla costituzione. I progressisti amanti dello stato vedono il verdetto come una vittoria per “la nostra democrazia”. Da libertario, anche io sono contento, anche se molte delle mie ragioni…
Scalia’s Anti-Enlightenment Anti-Individualism
Conservatives warn that the so-called liberals on the Supreme Court endanger our liberties. This is certainly true, although not exactly as the conservatives mean it. Now it’s time for them to acknowledge that the court’s conservatives do the same. Case in point: Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges (PDF), the case that declared…
Marriage Equality: Don’t Let the Good Become the Enemy of the Perfect
It’s about damn time. The rest of the United States finally caught up to the libertarians on June 26 when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide.  It only took 43 years but it looks like the authoritarian right is losing influence, as young people grow increasingly skeptical of power structures. Let’s…
The Goal is Free Love
On Friday, June 26th, the United States Supreme Court ruled by a 5-4 margin that same-sex marriage is protected by the Constitution.  State-loving progressives are cheering the Supreme Court’s ruling as a victory for “our democracy.” As a libertarian, I too celebrate the decision, although many of my reasons for doing so are far different than those…
Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. “US law includes 1,138 statutory provisions in which marital status determines benefits, rights, and privileges. These include provisions on taxation, immigration, inheritance, Social Security and death benefits. Granting such a wide range…
Il Matrimonio Omosessuale non Basta: Separate Matrimonio e Stato
In una intervista del ventidue febbraio, il presidente della corte suprema dell’Alabama Roy Moore ha esposto le ragioni che lo hanno portato a bocciare la possibilità che un giudice di quello stato possa sposare persone dello stesso sesso. “Manca la definizione di famiglia,” ha detto. E poi ha aggiunto, preoccupato, che persone bisessuali potrebbero “sposare…
Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State
In a February 22 interview, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore discussed his reasons for nixing issuance of same-sex marriage licenses by probate judges in the state. “You’re taking any definition of a family away,” said Moore. He also expressed fear that bisexuals might “marry two persons, one of the same sex and one of the opposite…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory