Tag: Alabama
Il Diritto di Riparare
Di ZH. Originale pubblicato l’otto novembre 2021 con il titolo Right to Repair. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La Automotive Free Clinic inizia in Alabama una campagna per il diritto di riparare in collaborazione con un certo numero di organizzazioni di varia estrazione. Gli automezzi attuali, come le automobili, i camioncini o i mezzi agricoli, hanno…
Right to Repair
The Automotive Free Clinic is starting a right to repair campaign in Alabama in coalition with a number of different organizations. Modern equipment such as passenger vehicles, semi trucks, and farm equipment are controlled electronically by proprietary software. Often, this software is not made available to the public, meaning that only dealerships and authorized repair…
More Prisons is Not Reform
Holman Prison in Alabama is home to death row and many there have little to lose should something go wrong. Given the degrading conditions of prisons and their lack of security for prisoners, it should come as no surprise that riots took place on March 11th and 14th. The first riot happened when a prison…
Tutwiler Prison Will Live On
Content Warning: Discussions of rape and sexual abuse After over two decades of abuse, Julia Tutwiler Prison, located in Montgomery Alabama, will close. After almost two decades of prison guards sexually assaulting, abusing and raping inmates, Tutwiler prison will be closed. After nearly two decades of investigations, reformist legislature, promises on the part of the…
Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. “US law includes 1,138 statutory provisions in which marital status determines benefits, rights, and privileges. These include provisions on taxation, immigration, inheritance, Social Security and death benefits. Granting such a wide range…
Il Matrimonio Omosessuale non Basta: Separate Matrimonio e Stato
In una intervista del ventidue febbraio, il presidente della corte suprema dell’Alabama Roy Moore ha esposto le ragioni che lo hanno portato a bocciare la possibilità che un giudice di quello stato possa sposare persone dello stesso sesso. “Manca la definizione di famiglia,” ha detto. E poi ha aggiunto, preoccupato, che persone bisessuali potrebbero “sposare…
Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State
In a February 22 interview, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore discussed his reasons for nixing issuance of same-sex marriage licenses by probate judges in the state. “You’re taking any definition of a family away,” said Moore. He also expressed fear that bisexuals might “marry two persons, one of the same sex and one of the opposite…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory