Tag: discovery process
Mutual Exchange Radio: Mikayla Novak & Akiva Malamet on Gender as a Discovery Process
MER is back for 2024! If you’re wondering what the show format will look like this year, please take a look at the 2023 (and early 2024) Director’s Report, which details how we’ll be handling various shows this year. We won’t be publishing every month, but I hope to put out more MER content than…
Totalitarismo Processuale
Di ZH. Originale pubblicato il 20 dicembre 2021 con il titolo Process Totalitarianism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La parola totalitarismo fa pensare a un dittatore che detta il proprio volere a burocrati e prefetti, i quali poi eseguono diligentemente. Fa pensare ai nazisti, ai sovietici staliniani, o ai tanti dittatori della fantasia popolare, come l’impero…
Process Totalitarianism
When people think of totalitarianism they think of an all-controlling leader who dictates their wishes to bureaucrats and prefects, which are then carried out with ruthless efficiency. One thinks of the Nazis, the Stalinist Soviets, or many representations in popular culture like the Star Wars Empire. Certainly, this model is what we have understood as…
Maximum Viable Economic Planning: The Basis of New Economies
A tweet jokingly showing James C. Scott centrally planning his small chicken farm.  Even in his devastating critiques of high-modernist central planning, James C Scott acknowledges the benefits to planning and the levels at which it can occur with relative safety. The author M Black also challenges us not to fetishize decentralization in such a…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory