Tag: autonomism
Bagian Sembilan: Struktur Baru Otonomi Zapatista
Oleh: Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Teks aslinya berjudul, Part Nine: The New Structure of Zapatista Autonomy diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Diposkan ulang dari Schools for Chiapas. Versi asli dalam bahasa Spanyol tersedia di Enlace Zapatista. Saudara-saudari dan compañer@s: Saya akan mencoba menjelaskan kepada kalian bagaimana kami mengatur ulang otonomi, yaitu struktur baru otonomi Zapatista. Saya akan menjelaskannya…
Part Nine: The New Structure of Zapatista Autonomy
Brothers and sisters and compañer@s: I am going to try to explain to you how we reorganize autonomy, that is, the new structure of Zapatista autonomy.  I will explain more later with more detail.  Or maybe I won’t explain any more, because the practice is what matters.  Of course, you can also come to the…
Una historia de los bancos de tiempo
Eric F. Artículo original: A History of Timebanking, del 26 de julio de 2023. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Extraído de “Paciencia y tiempo: bancos de tiempo y redes autoorganizadas de atención a personas mayores en Greater Portland, ME” Las raíces de los bancos de tiempo se pueden encontrar en lo que los primeros economistas de…
Neoliberalisme, Koperasi, dan Pabrik Sosial
Oleh : Eric F. Teks aslinya berjudul Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Dikutip dari  “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Memahami masalah di sekitar perawatan mengharuskan kita untuk melihat kembali dan lebih nasional daripada hanya Maine. Banyak dari para lanjut usia…
Neoliberalismo, Produzione Condivisa e Fabbriche Sociali
Di Eric F. Originale pubblicato il 19 luglio 2023 con il titolo Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Estratto da: “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Per capire i problemi che ci circondano dobbiamo dare uno sguardo al passato, considerando l’insieme più che il…
The Individual in Marxist (and Proudhonian) Social Analysis
One of the main obstacles for a libertarian, even left-libertarian, appreciation of Marxian analysis is the assumption that it necessarily denies any role for the individual to play in both material struggle and general social analysis, leaving that entirely to mass class concepts like the proletariat, lumpenproletariat, bourgeoisie, etc. In contrast, libertarians right and left…
A History of Timebanking
The roots of timebanking can be found in what early economists of the late 1700s like Adam Smith and David Ricardo described as the “Labor Theory of Value” (LTV); which proposes that all commodities produced in a market system originate their value in human labor. As Ricardo writes: In speaking then of commodities, of their…
Em vez de um Sistema Bancário Livre
Escrito por Eric F. Artigo original: In Lieu of Free Banking, do 23 de maio de 2023. Traduzido por Gabriel Camargo. Em círculos libertários e anarquistas de mercado, o conceito de sistema bancário livre sempre foi um importante ideal para uma genuinamente livre e saudável sociedade competitiva. Isso implica em um sistema monetário no qual…
Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory
Understanding the problems around care requires us to look back and more nationally than just Maine. Many of the other elders I interviewed seemed to agree with Emma [pseudonym] about the importance of community and “care networks,” sharing a nostalgia for times when local communities and extended families cared for each other over and above…
Beyond Free Banking: On Marx’s Critique of the Proudhonists
In my previous article “In Lieu of Free Banking,” I outline the mutualist and individualist anarchist arguments for free and mutual banking, its potential ability to empower labor, and, briefly, some immediate proxies available via credit unions and alternative currencies. But I also point to Laurance Labadie’s assessment of Benjamin Tucker’s (and later his own)…
In Lieu of Free Banking
In libertarian and market anarchist circles, the concept of free banking has always been an important ideal for a genuinely free and healthily competitive society. This entails a monetary system where banks not only hold currency but can issue their own currency or banknotes without the need for a centralized treasury. As such, the supply…
Review: A Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse, by David Harvey
David Harvey. A Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse (London and New York: Verso, 2023). David Harvey may be familiar to some from his background as a Marxist geographer focusing on neoliberalism and uneven development, or for his development of Henri Lefebvre’s “Right to the City” concept. The Grundrisse itself amounts, more or less, to a voluminous…
​​Market Anarchist Plus: Our Plan of Work
Market anarchism, as defined by Center for a Stateless Society, is the “advocacy of replacing the state with civil society while pointing to free market economics to explain the workability and/or desirability of such.” This ideology has very rarely if ever supported a sizable movement on its own and instead has, according to Charles Johnson…
The Internet was always anarchist, so anarchists must learn to become responsible for operating it
The fundamental tenet of anarchism is the resistance to an Archos, Greek for “master.” To advocate for anarchism is to position oneself in opposition to a master, i.e., to claim the fundamental right of self-determination, autonomy, and freedom from a centralized system of (especially coercive) control. To act anarchically simply means to act independently of…
Review: Walkaway
Cory Doctorow (2017). Walkaway. New York: Tor I. The story opens at a communist party in an unspecified post-industrial town in Ontario sometime in the late middle of this century, from the first-person perspective of Hubert, Etc. A communist party, you should understand, is not an institution but a social event: something like a rave at…
Review: Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons
Shareable, a nonprofit media outlet co-founded by Neal Gorenflo in 2009, is devoted to the sharing economy (the real sharing economy of platform cooperatives and other open, self-organized effort — not proprietary, walled-garden, Death Star platforms like Uber and Airbnb). In 2011 Shareable organized the Share San Francisco conference to promote the city as a…
Review: Srnicek and Williams, Inventing the Future
Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams. Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (London and New York: Verso, 2015, 2016). I approached this book with considerable eagerness and predisposed to like it. It belongs to a broad milieu of -isms for which I have strong sympathies (postcapitalism, autonomism, left-accelerationism, “fully automated luxury communism,” etc.)….
Eugene Holland. Nomad Citizenship.
Eugene W. Holland. Nomad Citizenship: Free-Market Communism and the Slow-Motion General Strike (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2011). Holland’s work is in the same general autonomist tradition of analysis as Dyer-Witheford’s Cyber-Marx, and the concept of “Exodus” as developed in Negri’s and Hardt’s Commonwealth. The general idea of Exodus is that, when technology…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory