Tag: anarchy
Provavelmente nenhuma agitação já alcançou a magnitude, tanto em número de adeptos quanto em área de influência, que foi conseguida pelo moderno socialismo, e ao mesmo tempo em que tenha sido tão pouco entendida e tão mal compreendida, não apenas pelos hostis e indiferentes, mas por simpatizantes e até mesmo pela grande massa de seus…
C4SS Media presents Grant Mincy‘s “Common Property, Common Power,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “What we are seeing is social power at work. The courts, legislature and special interests are powerless in the new public arena. The liberated market is not interested in the ownership of ideas, but rather progress, innovation and co-operative labor….
This is the final part of a trinity of posts on Lynn Stuart Parramore’s recent Atlernet article called “3 Things That Make Libertarian Heads Explode“. The first two posts in the series dealt with selective contentions about her thoughts regarding the libertarian attitude towards inequality and public goods. This one is about her thoughts on…
This is part two of a three part series on an article by Lynn Stuart Parramore of Alternet. The first part focused on a contention she made about libertarians and inequality. This post discusses her take on libertarians and public goods. Our focus is on her thoughts about national defense. As she puts it: Another…
Jeremy Rifkin anuncia o “crescimento do anti-capitalismo” (“The Rise of Anti-Capitalism“, The New York Times, 15 de março), citando o paradoxo de que: “O dinamismo inerente aos mercados competitivos está diminuindo tanto os custos que muitos bens e serviços estão se tornando quase gratuitos, abundantes e não mais sujeitos às forças de mercado.” Os argumentos…
Though it is responsible for lies, for deceit, for the distribution of misinformation, for inequality, for discrimination and many other things, the one area that I believe is most unethical about the state, is it’s hypocrisy. Though they repeatedly claim that it is not so, there is quite obviously one rule for the state, and…
Jeremy Rifkin heralds “The Rise of Anti-Capitalism” (New York Times, March 15), citing a paradox whereby “[t]he inherent dynamism of competitive markets is bringing costs so far down that many goods and services are becoming nearly free, abundant, and no longer subject to market forces.” Rifkin’s arguments about how reductions in marginal cost affect economic relationships…
Very soon, S4SS will begin issuing its monthly newsletter, The New Leveller. It will be a running discussion devoted to radical libertarian and individualist anarchist thought, and, drawing off of nineteenth-century periodicals like Benjamin Tucker’s Liberty and Moses Harmon’s Lucifer, the Lightbearer, it will feature plenty of fire. The primary purpose of the New Leveller is to provide…
C4SS Media presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “Depends On What “Corruption” Is,” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “We don’t need the politicians or their cronies. We don’t have to put up with them. And we should stop doing so.”
The following article was written by Colin Ward and originally appeared in Freedom, June-July 1992. The Background That minority of children in any European country who were given the opportunity of studying the history of Europe as well as that of their own nations, learned that there were two great events in the last century: the unification…
Será que o governo deveria punir coletivamente donos de empresas que, por aparentes razões religiosas, se recusassem a servir alguns grupos de consumidores? Embora esse comportamento seja repugnante, a recusa em prestar serviços por conta de raça, etnia ou orientação sexual é um exercício de auto-propriedade e da liberdade de não-associação. É um ato não-violento…
Should the government coercively sanction business owners who, out of apparent religious conviction, refuse to serve particular customers? While such behavior is repugnant, the refusal to serve someone because of his or her race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation is nevertheless an exercise of self-ownership and freedom of nonassociation. It is both nonviolent and nonviolative of…
The following article was written by Colin Ward and published originally appeared in “Patterns of Anarchy,” 1966. You may think in describing anarchism as a theory of organisation I am propounding a deliberate paradox: “anarchy” you may consider to be, by definition, the opposite of organisation. In fact, however, “anarchy” means the absence of government, the absence of authority. Can…
Reuters reports that this year the United States Supreme Court will hear its highest proportion of intellectual property (IP) cases in history. The justices are set to decide eight cases on IP — six on patent laws and two on copyright. A sign of the times, really. In a world of open source content and the…
On the early summer morning of July 28, 2012, Megan Rice, Greg Boertje-Obed and Michael Walli, the Oak Ridge Three, hiked down a wooded ridge to the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. At the complex the hikers cut their way through three fences using bolt cutters, stealthily moved past guard dogs and then made their way…
Karl Jaspers cunhou a expressão “Era Axial” para descrever deslocamento disseminado e fundamental em valores éticos que ocorreu em certo número de sociedades em meados do primeiro milênio antes da era comum – BCE. Incluiu a ascensão da filosofia grega, o budismo, o zoroastrismo e o movimento profético de Judá e Israel. Todos esses desdobramentos…
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology Karl Jaspers coined the term “Axial Age” to describe a widespread, fundamental shift in ethical values that occurred in a number of societies in the mid-1st millennium BCE. It included the rise of Greek philosophy, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and the prophetic movement of…
James Scott descreve o fenômeno geral como “jiujitsu simbólico.” Movimentos proféticos rebeldes em espaços não estatais “apropriam-se de poder, mágica, emblemas e insígnias e carisma institucionais do estado do vale numa espécie de jiujitsu simbólico a fim de atacar o estado.” [145] E o jiujitsu simbólico tem-se tornado especialmente importante nas guerras ideológicas dos séculos 20 e…
Download: Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology James Scott describes the general phenomenon as “symbolic jiujitsu.” Prophetic rebellious movements in non-state spaces “appropriate the power, magic, regalia, and institutional charisma of the valley state in a kind of symbolic jiujitsu in order to attack it.” [145] And symbolic jiujitsu…
Scott argumenta que a religião popular — ou “catolicismo popular” — da Europa cristã, longe de atender a interesses dos em autoridade/com influência, era praticado e interpretado de maneiras que amiúde defendiam os direitos de propriedade dos camponeses, contestavam grandes diferenças de riqueza, e até proporcionavam algo de ideologia milenária com significado implícito revolucionário. Em…