Tag: anarcho-transhumanism
Reseña: “El espacio es el (no)lugar”
Por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Review: “Space is the (non)place”, del 28 de junio de 2018. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Stephen Shukaitis. “El espacio es el (no) lugar: marcianos, marxistas y el espacio exterior de la imaginación radical” Sociological Review 57 Suppl (2009). En este artículo, Shukaitis examina “el papel particular que juegan el espacio exterior y…
The End of Work (As We Know It) Part 2: The RICH Economy
In my previous essay Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It) I discussed the economic phenomenon that David Graeber coined as “bullshit jobs,” how the (transitionary) solution he suggested was to establish a universal basic income (UBI) and embrace automation leading to the end of work as we know it, and how this mirrors the…
Il Falso Spauracchio della Megamacchina
In risposta a Gelderloos Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 26 novembre 2018 con il titolo The Megamachines Are False Specters – A Response To Gelderloos. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ritengo vergognoso il fatto che gli anarchici non si occupino più di geopolitica o del futuro. I più grandi successi di questi ultimi due secoli…
The Megamachines Are False Specters — A Response To Gelderloos
I think it’s a shame that anarchists don’t write more on either geopolitics or analyses of the future; over the last two centuries our greatest successes have come from our imagination and foresight. For this reason I applaud Peter Gelderloos’ recent attempted forecast, published in a variety of forms by Crimethinc. There’s much to agree…
“Progetto Paura” dietro la Biologia Sintetica
Di Harry Bentham. Originale pubblicato il 30 luglio 2018 con il titolo Seeing Through Synthetic Biology’s “Project Fear”. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. “Project Fear” (progetto paura, ndt), strategia usata in Gran Bretagna dalle forze contrarie alla Brexit, rappresentava il tentativo di salvare la situazione ricorrendo alla paura, a scenari catastrofici e alle peggiori profezie. È…
Seeing Through Synthetic Biology’s “Project Fear”
“Project Fear,” a strategy used by anti-Brexit forces in the UK, was an attempt to save the status quo by appealing to fears, worst-case scenarios, and the gravest predictions. It’s a common tactic for resisting change. In June, a wave of similarly dark headlines struck a fledgling area of science that could otherwise become the…
Review: “Space is the (non)place”
Stevphen Shukaitis. “Space is the (non)place: Martians, Marxists, and the outer space of the radical imagination” Sociological Review 57 Suppl (2009). In this article, Shukaitis surveys “the particular role outer space and extraterrestrial voyage play within the radical imagination.” In particular, he sees speculative fiction about life and travel in outer space as a form…
Longview Anarchism: Transcending the Existential Threat of Freedom
Skin as Thick as Bark As asinine, cultish leaders fascistically toy with the notion of nuclear warfare, we are reminded yet again of the fragility of human life. That humans have advanced as far as we have is remarkable. It reminds me of the feeling of awe I have when realizing that we limited humans…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory