We Are Not Disposable! Building Alternatives To Prisons
This study presents a critical investigation of prisons, how they operate, what defines them, and what we can do to move away from them. There are many philosophical, practical and statistical angles by which to evaluate the harm that have prisons have historically inflicted and continue to. These harms not only impact inmates but also impact society as a whole…
Rethinking Markets: Anarchism, Capitalism, and the State
Markets are generally conceived as the bulwark of capitalism, greasing the wheels of capital accumulation and mobilisation and creating the class relations characteristic of modern capitalism. It creates winners and losers, and displaces workers and firm owners through the mechanisms of creative destruction and competition.
Anarchists Without Adjectives
The “anarchism without adjectives” designation (the phrase, at least — the concept, as we shall see below, may have originated with Malatesta) was originally the work of two Spanish anarchists, Ricardo Mella and Fernando Tarrida del Marmol. Mella and Tarrida del Marmol worked out their theory in response to doctrinal disputes within the European…
Techno-Utopianism, Counterfeit and Real
Techno-Utopianism, Counterfeit and Real (With Special Regard to Paul Mason’s Post-Capitalism) Download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study: Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 20 (Spring 2016) I. Capitalist Techno-Utopianism from Daniel Bell On II. Categories of Leftist Techno-Utopianism III. Other Non-Capitalist Techno-Utopianisms John Holloway Michel Bauwens Accelerationism IV. Analysis: Comparison of the…
Gender Identity and Libertarianism
Download a PDF copy of Mikayla Novak’s full C4SS Study: Gender Identity and Libertarianism Abstract People who do not identify with a gender status consistent with conventional fixed, binary gender stereotypes remain the target of a complex array of typically intertwining state policies and civil societal norms which greatly inhibit their liberties. Transgender and other gender-diverse…
The Fulcrum of the Present Crisis
The Fulcrum of the Present Crisis: Some Thoughts on Revolutionary Strategy Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 19 (Winter 2015) [PDF] The Cult of Mass, Lionization of Protest Culture & Other Industrial Age Holdovers Protest Culture. The so-called “cargo cults” of New Guinea, Micronesia and Melanesia evolved in response to the influx of American manufactured…
The Anarchist Thought of Colin Ward
Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 18 (Summer-Fall 2014) PDF Particularity and the Anarchism of Everyday Life Colin Ward was a libertarian communist. He named Pyotr Kropotkin as his primary economic influence, and described himself as “an anarchist-communist, in the Kropotkin tradition.” This was not empty praise. He produced an abridged edition of Kropotkin’s…
Power and Property: A Corollary
Download a PDF copy of Grant Mincy’s study Power and Property: A Corollary. The concept of property is widely discussed by social theorists and is a hot button issue within political circles. This is mostly because property is somewhat of an abstract concept. Property is a possession — it belongs to someone or something. Seems simple enough,…
Classical Liberalism and Conservatism
Classical Liberalism and Conservatism: How is Chile’s “private” Pension System Best Conceptualised? Download a PDF copy of Dr. Mark Hyde’s study Classical Liberalism and Conservatism: How is Chile’s “private” Pension System Best Conceptualised? Introduction At the start of the 1980s, the Chilean state replaced a long-standing publicly-administered pension arrangement with a multi-pillar retirement system. Centrally, this…
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow
Introduction to the C4SS Edition of Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow Kevin A. Carson Download a PDF copy of The C4SS Edition of Kropotkin’s Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow. This book is actually a heavily abridged version of Kropotkin’s Fields, Factories and Workshops, edited by Colin Ward with a lot of his commentary thrown in….
David Graeber’s Anarchist Thought: A Survey
Center for a Stateless Society No. 17 (Winter-Spring 2014), download this study PDF Introduction: The Primacy of Everyday Life David Graeber chose, as the epigraph to his book Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, a quote from Pyotr Kropotkin’s article on Anarchism for the Encyclopedia Britannica. In it Kropotkin stated that, in an anarchist society, harmony…
Need Structures and Technological Development
I have argued before that scarcity is manufactured in many industries by the deliberate cultivation of economic demand through structures of artificial need. Given the importance of technology in these industries it should not be surprising that the manipulation of technological development plays an enormous role in the manufacture of these structures. The idea that…
Anarchist Themes in the Work of Elinor Ostrom
Governance, Agency and Autonomy: Anarchist Themes in the Work of Elinor Ostrom [PDF] This paper is intended as one in a series, to be read along with my previous one on James C. Scott, on anarchist and decentralist thinkers whose affection for the particularity of local, human-scale institutions overrides any doctrinaire ideological labels. The Governance…
Destroying The Master’s House With The Master’s Tools: Some Notes On The Libertarian Theory Of Ideology
Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology [PDF] We commonly look at ideology from the perspective of the ruling class, as a legitimizing tool. But ideology serves the purposes of the ruled, as well—as a guide to action in their class interest. The respective ideologies of rulers and…
New Tech as a Force Multiplier and Equalizer: Bootstrapping the Alternative Economy
The generation of energy, whether it be the gas you pump into your tank or the coal burned to produce electricity to power your computer, is estimated to contribute upwards of 82% of all greenhouse gas emission. To add insult to injury, many of these firms have long been associated with the more deleterious impacts of neoliberal development. Of course we all know about BP’s destruction of the entire Gulf region…
Energy and Transportation Issues: A Libertarian Analysis
Kevin Carson’s fourteenth research paper argues that “it is the state’s constraints on market freedom that have created an economy centered on long-distance shipping and the automobile-highway complex.
Communal Property: A Libertarian Analysis
Kevin Carson’s thirteenth research paper, “Communal Property: A Libertarian Analysis,” argues that the libertarian defense of property doesn’t apply only to fee simple individual property.
Legibility & Control: Themes in the Work of James C. Scott
Kevin Carson’s twelfth research study for C4SS has been released.
The Great Domain of Cost-Plus: The Waste Production Economy
Kevin Carson’s eleventh research study for the Center [fourth quarter 2010].
Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model
In his tenth research study for C4SS, Kevin Carson explains that the state’s labor regulations, far from promoting workers’ bargaining rights, have hindered them.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory