Renewable Killing Power
Darian Worden: The military also harms the environment of those it doesn’t kill.
Why Self-Organized Networks Will Destroy Hierarchies — A Credo
Kevin Carson explains why we’re going to win the struggle for humanity’s future.
Kleptocracy Against Itself*
Thomas L. Knapp on the irony of Mike Huckabee’s use of the term “kleptocracy”.
Sounding Off
David D’Amato on disinformation, speech controls and rights.
An Immoral System Can Only Be Sustained By Immorality
Kevin Carson has a more nuanced critique of Paul Krugman than that of Steven Horwitz, with regard to WWII and the Great Depression.
The Pretended Populism of Politics
David D’Amato analyzes the myth that political power is the friend of the common person.
Apology Not Accepted
Anna Morgenstern on the atrocity of human medical experiments by the US government.
One Human’s Taxation is a Tragedy; Three Hundred Million is a Statistic
A think tank, Third Way, just published a paper proposing an itemized tax bill for taxpayers, which would bring complex state machinery down to the level of the individual, and would humanize the vastness of the cost of the American state.
Giving Back With a Spoon, Taking With a Shovel
Kevin Carson explains that it is always the elite that benefit from the state and never the underclass.
Two Victories and a Challenge
Kevin Carson: “There have been two encouraging items in recent news about victories by crackers (the computer kind, not Tea Partiers) against the Copyright Nazis.”
Looking for Leaders — And That’s the Problem
Darian Worden suggests that America does not need strong leadership.
They Can’t Handle the Truth
Thomas L. Knapp: “The state wants to know everything about you, but politicians want absolute control over what you can know about them.”
The State Never Sleeps
David D’Amato reviews Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
Pastors Seek the Right to Legitimize American Politics
If the Pulpit Freedom Summit succeeds, it will be a victory for free speech, but encouraging churchgoers to vote in elections only further entrenches the system of false choices in American politics.
Liberal Authoritarianism: A Senescent Disorder Of State Capitalism
Kevin Carson: “[T]wentieth century liberalism is essentially Schumpeterian. It identifies with the large, hierarchical, managerialist organization the same way the French politiques identified with the absolute monarchs four hundred years ago.”
Ricochets of D’Souza and Krugman
Paul Krugman and Dinesh D’Souza both wander past the point that is always dying to be made: producers should own what they labor to create, and the status quo is not the product of a free market.
The Nerve to Break Ranks
David D’Amato: “The story of Adam Winfield, the 22-year-old Army specialist now charged with the murder of an innocent Afghan civilian, is the latest illustration of the sickening culture of impunity cultivated by the U.S. military.”
Proprietary Content: A Force for Totalitarianism
Kevin Carson: “…because of copyright enforcement problems presented by digital technology, the “cognitive capitalism” model requires increasing levels of authoritarianism… to stay tenable.”
Cultural Authoritarianism Breeds Political Authoritarianism
Kevin Carson: “Take, for example, the cultural authoritarianism prevalent in much of fundamentalist Christianity…”
Remember, Remember, Don’t Vote in November
Thomas L. Knapp urges rejection of the cult of the omnipotent state.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory