Who Really Cares About Inequality?
Kevin Carson questions state-granted privilege.
Yes — The Rent Really Is Too Damn High!
Kevin Carson riffs on Jimmy McMillan’s assessment of housing costs.
Obamacare Feeds Insurance Oligarchs
David D’Amato on healthcare and cartelization.
WikiLeaks Removes the Cloak
David D’Amato on the cloak Emma Goldman spoke of — the one that covers the crimes of the state.
The Robin Hood Tax is but a Bandaid on the Corporatist Economy
We need to stop abusive and reckless corporate behavior by removing the policies which cartelize wealth in an anti-market fashion, not keep what we have and redistribute the wealth through the state.
Burning the Wrong Effigy in Mexico
Darian Worden says: Destroy authority, not plants.
Time to Rescind the Social Contract
David D’Amato turns his attention to the mythical “social contract” on the occasion of its mention with regard to events in France.
Michael Moore Almost Gets It Right
Kevin Carson notices Moore getting so, very, very close to understanding the relationship between statism and monopoly capitalism — but, frustratingly, not quite.
Liberty is the Mother of Equality (And Vice Versa)
David D’Amato on why leftist ends are best served by libertarian methods.
The Myth of Immaculate Expertise
Kevin Carson responds to Bryan Caplan’s “The Myth of the Rational Voter”.
Civic Engagement is for Suckers
Kevin Carson on progressives as Sisyphus.
The “Economic Freedom Index” Isn’t
In a recent article for Reason magazine (“Freer is Better,” October 14th),  John Stossel discusses the downgrading of the United States on the Economic Freedom Index from sixth to eighth place — “behind Canada!”  The index is based on several matrices, including freedom of movement of capital, the amount of business regulation, and levels of…
You Are Not Permitted To Speak
Darian Worden on Alex Hundert’s draconian bail conditions.
If You’re Not an Extremist, You’re Not Paying Attention
Kevin Carson says America’s real owners need a population just smart enough to keep doing their jobs — but too stupid to look at the man behind the curtain.
Is the South Fulton Fire Department Really an Indictment of Libertarianism?
Kevin Carson on the Cranick fire incident.
Uploading N00dz of Turkish Emperors to Facebook
The Turkish state is now considering banning Facebook after “offensive” political content was discovered. Limiting free speech can only help rulers and hurt the ability of everyone else to point out that their emperors are … inappropriately dressed for the privilege of rulership.
Mortgage Liens On Our Lives
David D’Amato on the trap the political class elite set for homeowners.
IgNobel Again: In Liu of a Real Peacemaker
Thomas L. Knapp: “I’m appalled by the selection of ‘dissident’ Liu Xiaobo as winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.”
I’m Not Voting for Democrats No Matter How Many Funny Videos You Make
The new satirical video, “I’m Voting Republican,” is another creation by banal party hacks to legitimize their party’s uselessness to the average person.
Only the Guilty Need Fear? Tell It to Anne Frank
Kevin Carson on gullibility and a long history of criminal government.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory