The Perils of “Reaching Across the Aisle”
David D’Amato: “When the parties ‘work together,’ which is indeed their custom, the victors are not ordinary, working people who want affordable healthcare and decent jobs; they are corporate executives and government agency czars, elites who turn to their advantage the lie that we live in the most polarized, partisan period in all of American history.”
No Pictures!
Darian Worden on George Donnelly’s arrest and watching the state.
Even Kleptocracy Has Rules: Saga of the Dumb Bell Eight
Thomas L. Knapp on the arrest of the Bell, CA municipal government leaders.
One Law for the Lion, One Law for the Lamb
Kevin Carson on judging the state by the same standards used for everyone else.
Electronic Cigarettes and the Fog of (Class) War
Thomas L. Knapp on collusion among Big Government, Big Busines and Big Non-Profits to restrain competition, at a cost in lives.
A Government of Laws? Tell Me Another One
Kevin Carson: “…when it comes to restricting the state, the law isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.”
Under Surveillance America
Darian Worden on Ernest Withers, the FBI, and surveillance of political activists.
“I’ve Never Seen a Poor Person Give Anyone a Job”
Kevin Carson on the myth of statist capitalism as alleged provider of jobs.
The Anti-Establishment Establishment
David D’Amato: “In politics, there is no ‘right man for the job’ because it is the job that is flatly wrong…”
The System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops and Prosecutors
Kevin Carson defends crowdsourced law.
9/11’s (Jumped the) Shark Week
Thomas L. Knapp: “9/11 fell on Saturday this year, and few US cable channels missed the opportunity to turn the preceding five days into ‘all 9/11, all the time’: A terror-themed riff on the Discovery Channel’s ‘Shark Week.'”
Why So Serious?
Thomas L. Knapp on Orwellian language.
Is Obama Dancing With Them What Brung Him?
Kevin Carson: “Frankly, if I were a banker, a billionaire, or a Fortune 500 CEO, I’d consider Obama’s anti-Wall Street rhetoric a pretty modest price to pay for his pro-Wall Street policies.”
Obama’s Fifty Billion Dollar Corporate Gift
Ross Kenyon explains that Obama’s call for $50 billion to be spent on transportation infrastructure hurts local and regional businesses by subsidizing the transportation of goods from more distant firms, and thus further entrenches corporate domination of the marketplace.
The Government’s Winning the Drug War
Kevin Carson explains that governments “win” the Drug War by NOT winning it.
The Political Alchemy of Jobs
David D’Amato on President Obama’s six-year plan to magically “create jobs”.
The Mark of the Police State
Darian Worden doesn’t like the sound of “Your papers, please.”
The Real Curriculum of “Public” Education
Kevin Carson explains what school is really all about.
Peace Talks For War
David D’Amato warns us not to buy the hype about Obama’s “peace talks” between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Some Hard Facts on Copyright
Kevin Carson provides them.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory