Competition is Theft
Kevin Carson on the irony of productive action circumventing monopolistic restrictions (which designed to create artificial scarcity) being called “theft”.
A Distinction Without A Difference
David D’Amato discusses why the manufactured milestone of alleged withdrawal of “combat troops” from Iraq (while other troops continue with combat) is irrelevant.
Iraq: The Never-Ending Story
Thomas L. Knapp on Obama’s phony announcement “that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.”
“The Law” Doesn’t Matter
Kevin Carson: “When you play by the rules, the house wins — because the rules are mainly designed to benefit the people who make the rules.”
What Counts as Political?
Darian Worden on asking important questions.
The State’s Bad Math
David D’Amato explains that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke only wants you to think of “the economy” as a distinct entity so that he can paint himself as its caregiver.
The Friends of the “Free Market” Are Its Worst Enemies
Kevin Carson explains what’s really going on.
Making Hay While the Sun Shines
Thomas L. Knapp: The Internet doesn’t change everything, but it’s what we have right now.
Authoritarianism is Self-Defeating
Kevin Carson on the trend toward RFID chipping of your recyclable items bin to make sure you’re being a good little citizen.
Do We Really Need WikiLeaks?
C4SS Contributing Writer Nick Ford offers his analysis of the issues raised by Wikileaks.
Breaking the Information Monopoly
Darian Worden on the current information landscape and building a future of freedom.
And Real Criminals Go Unpunished
Darian Worden on pies, politicians, and war crimes.
Who’s Really Being Naive?
Kevin Carson explains that it’s not anarchists who are utopian, but statists.
Government is not a Friend to Protect the Internet
Two models for analyzing government action are applied to net neutrality, and the saddening delusion that the state is here to protect the people from corporations rather than to expose the people to their predations is confronted.
The Cognitive Biases of Hierarchy
Kevin Carson responds to a recent piece by Jonah Lehrer in the Wall Street Journal.
Economic Development Without the State
Kevin Carson explains why the conventional strategy for community economic development is totally obsolete.
No War But Class War!
Thomas L. Knapp on the political class draining America vampirically.
A Politician’s Promise
Darian Worden on Iraq and promises fulfilled in the official story.
Government: Secretly Watching Students Not a Crime
Darian Worden on the government’s response to e-peeping bureaucrats.
The Market is the Heart of the Organ Matter
Tom Knapp on who owns your organs
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory