Knapp: If you want affordable health care, the first step toward it is to abolish the state.
Thomas L. Knapp puts “intellectual property” on the slippery slope, to see how far down it rolls.
D’Amato: Not surprisingly, it’s always the salaries and pensions of working people that are subject to the various diminutions attending so-called “austerity.”
Kevin Carson on contract, social and anti-social.
D’Amato: That state grants of monopoly power are thought to be associated with “freedom” says a lot about the backwardness of the corporate economy that covers the world.
D’Amato: Big Business hearts government regulation.
Knapp: Corruption is transnational and built into the system.
Carson: Consent, conschment.
Carson: When you play by the house rules, the house always wins.
Carson: The plutocratic merry-go-round is pushing its weight limit.
Carson on power vs. market.
Knapp: Too much is never enough for the state.
It depends, writes Kevin Carson.
Knapp: The free market at work? Nice try.
Carson: The subsidy teat is running dry.
Carson: No, that moisture running down your back isn’t rain.
Carson: Meathead versus reality.
D’Amato: In banking, it’s dog eat dog (and the reverse).
Carson: Occupy can’t be coopted, because it already belongs to anyone who wants to use it.
Knapp: It doesn’t have to be this way.