Technological Progress: Cui Bono?
It depends, writes Kevin Carson.
Facebook Facepalm
Knapp: The free market at work? Nice try.
Why Corporate Capitalism is Unsustainable
Carson: The subsidy teat is running dry.
The Government Lying to Us — What Else is New?
Carson: No, that moisture running down your back isn’t rain.
Rob Reiner: Funny as Ever
Carson: Meathead versus reality.
The State and Capital: A Love Affair
D’Amato: In banking, it’s dog eat dog (and the reverse).
Occupy: Nucleus of the New Society?
Carson: Occupy can’t be coopted, because it already belongs to anyone who wants to use it.
Marriage: Politics vs. Society
Knapp: It doesn’t have to be this way.
The IP Wars as “Competition”
D’Amato: “Competition” today is no more than a clash between rich, monolithic global corporate titans who would rather use the legal system to ban competitors than actually compete.
Dump the Statist Monkey Off Your Back
Kevin Carson: “Today, in the dying days of monopoly capitalism, the state’s role in surplus extraction is specifically to protect the rentier classes against competition from the technologies of abundance.”
The Life of Julia Under Anarchy
Carson: They’re doing it to Julia.
ALEC’s Fake “Free Market” Apologists on the Right
Kevin Carson: Words mean things.
In Europe and America, “Austerity” Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Means
Knapp: Apparently “austerity” is French for “the productive class takes it in the shorts … again.”
The Policeman’s Your Friend — As Long As He Can Afford to Be
Carson: The mask is coming off.
The Source of Structural Inequality
D’Amato on Krugman’s blind spot.
Free Trade? Free Your Mind!
Carson v. Sanders and Somin.
Shikha Dalmia: Half-Right on “Right to Work”
Carson: Modern labor practices are mere Wagnerian opera.
Don’t Worry About Occupy
D’Amato: Occupy is labor’s future, if it has one.
Musings on May Day
D’Amato: Workers of the world, unite!
Paging Dr. Sous
Knapp: I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. Manning.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory