Tag: Venezuela
Parole Oltre il Mercato e lo Stato, I
Di Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. 28 agosto 2020. Fonte: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Intervista con Kevin Carson Come si capisce dal titolo, questa è la prima di due parti di un’intervista con Kevin Carson, membro anziano del C4SS con una cattedra Karl Hess in…
Palabras más allá del mercado y del Estado (Parte 1)
Esta entrevista fue realizada por: Diego Avila y Luis Ricardo Vera. Culminación de la entrevista: 28 de agosto de 2020. Original en inglés: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I. Entrevista a Kevin Carson El día de hoy, como pueden apreciar en el título, les traemos la primera de dos partes de una…
Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. I
​An Interview With Kevin Carson Today, as you can see from the title, we bring you the first of two parts of an interview with Kevin Carson, a senior fellow at C4SS who holds the Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory. Recently there has been a translation of both his first book into Spanish, Studies…
La Rivoluzione delle Criptovalute è già in Corso
Di Fritz-Anton Fritzson. Originale pubblicato il 31 ottobre 2019 con il titolo The Cryptocurrency Revolution is Already Underway. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Secondo Black Cat, il denaro astatuale comporta un “paradosso”: “potrà essere usato quando lo stato non sarà più lì a bloccarne l’uso, ma non finché lo stato è presente.” E però, come lui…
The Cryptocurrency Revolution is Already Underway
According to Black Cat, money without the state involves a “core paradox” – “it [non-state money] will inevitably be used without the state being there to stop its usage, but it cannot be used while the state is present.” However, as the author also acknowledges, “as people free themselves from the state, moving beyond its…
The Naturalness of Prosperity
Free people are prosperous people. When not forced to do otherwise, they work out the best ways for achieving their ends. These ends are often shared or overlapping, so cooperating with others is often a natural way of successfully resisting and overcoming the engulfing harshness of the natural world. When people bring things into the…
The Weekly Leftist Libertarian Chess Review 73
Andrew Bacevich discusses the national insecurity state. Melvin A. Goodman discusses the CIA’s double standard. Ahmad Barqawi discusses Libya, ISIS, and the luxury of hindsight. Roger Annis discusses Ukraine’s extreme right. Logan Albright discusses private enterprise vs free enterprise. Laurence M. Vance discusses what conservatives get wrong about healthcare. A. Barton Hinkle discusses ISIS, communism,…
Ser Estatista, Ser Revolucionario
Uno de los periódicos más leídos de Brasil, O Estado de São Paulo, publicó recientemente un par de artículos sobre el 50 aniversario del golpe de estado que instauró un régimen militar en Brasil. Uno de ellos, escrito por un general del ejército (“A árvore boa“, por Rômulo Bini Pereira), ha tenido alguna repercusión debido…
Ser revolucionário, ser governista
Com os 50 anos da instalação do regime militar no Brasil, o Estadão recentemnte publicou alguns artigos que falavam sobre as circunstâncias políticas da época. Um deles, escrito por um general do exército brasileiro (“A árvore boa“, de Rômulo Bini Pereira), repercutiu por sua análise positiva e rósea dos anos de chumbo. Particularmente, chamou a…
Being Revolutionary, Being Statist
One of Brazil’s largest newspapers, O Estado de S. Paulo, recently published a few articles on the 50th anniversary of the military takeover of the Brazilian government. One of them, written by an Army general (“A árvore boa,” by Rômulo Bini Pereira) has had some repercussion due to its positive and rose-tinted appraisal of the so…
Noam Chomsky: fascinado pelo espetáculo bolivariano
Ao discursar nas Nações Unidas em 2006, Hugo Chávez chamou o ex-presidente americano George W. Bush de “diabo”. Chávez acenava com uma cópia do livro de Noam Chomsky O Império Americano – Hegemonia ou Sobrevivência, catapultando a obra à lista de best-sellers do site Amazon. De sua parte, Chomsky repetidamente afirmou que Chávez conduziu a…
Noam Chomsky, Deslumbrado por el Espectáculo Bolivariano
Durante un discurso en las Naciones Unidas en el 2006, Hugo Chávez acusó al ex presidente de EE.UU. George W. Bush de ser «el diablo» mientras alzaba en sus manos una ejemplar de Hegemonía o Supervivencia: El Dominio Mundial de Estados Unidos, catapultando el libro en la lista de best-sellers de Amazon.com. Por su parte,…
Noam Chomsky: Mesmerized By The Bolivarian Spectacle
Speaking at the United Nations in 2006, Hugo Chávez excoriated ex- US President George W. Bush as “the devil.” Chávez waved a copy of Noam Chomsky’s Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance, catapulting the book onto Amazon’s best-seller list. For his part, Chomsky has repeatedly stated that Chávez ushered a revolutionary break with Venezuela’s political…
Patriarcado con Esteroides: La Fiebre de la Cirugía Plástica en Venezuela
La última vez que estuve en mi Caracas natal, hace unos años, me impresionó lo común que se había convertido la cirugía cosmética entre las mujeres. Desde entonces he estado pensando sobre lo que podría haber originado esa tendencia, y cuando leí el artículo que William Neuman escribió al respecto para el New York Times,…
Patriarchy On Steroids: The Case Of Venezuelan Plastic Surgery Fever
Last time I was in my native Caracas, a couple of years ago, I was shocked by how ubiquitous cosmetic surgery had become among women. Since then, I have given some thought to the plausible origin of the trend and was surprised to find myself in agreement with what William Neuman’s recent piece for the…
The Ever-Growing Insanity of Venezuelan Exchange Controls
The Comandante is gone, but the “revolutionary” economic policies continue.
La Perversidad Inherente del Cambio Social Logrado por Medios Electorales, Edición Venezuela
Según Alan Furth, la democracia puede a lo sumo aliviar los síntomas de la enfermedad social, pero nunca curarla de raíz.
The Inherent Perversity of Social Change through Electoral Means, Venezuelan Edition
Alan Furth on how democracy, at best, alleviates the symptoms of social disease — but never cures its fundamental cause.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory