Tag: public education
Tear Down the Campus Wall
The allegations in the Operation Varsity Blues college admissions scandal outline a seemingly unlimited trove of dishonesty that wealthy parents have been using to get their children into top universities. Bribery, special accommodations under false pretenses, and even entirely made up athletic or classroom achievements, are some of the ways parents have tried to get…
Scuola dell’Obbligo Prigione per Bimbi Innocenti
[Di Enrico Sanna. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 4 ottobre 2016 con il titolo Compulsory Education is Jail for Innocents Kids. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Recentemente, il Guardian ha pubblicato un triste articolo su una bambina di una scuola elementare pubblica di Milano. All’ora di pranzo, il preside della scuola ha…
Compulsory Education is Jail for Innocent Kids
Recently, the Guardian reported a grim story about a pupil in an elementary public school in the city of Milan, Italy. At lunchtime, the school principal took the pupil from the cafeteria and forced her to eat her lunch in the classroom, alone and away from her mates. Why? Because she had been caught red-handed. She…
Education: Guaranteeing Access Isn’t Enough
In a recent email, a professor of sociology expressed some skepticism about what she regarded as over-enthusiastic treatment of the possibilities for new education models in a stateless society. Among other things, she questioned the apparent claim that new media, online courses and free lectures would “save the education system” or provide access to education….
Free School Choice
Jonathan Kozol. Free Schools. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972). Matt Hern. Field Day: Getting Society Out of School. (Vancouver: New Star Books, 2003). During this year’s School Choice Week, this pair of books can bring some perspective exactly because they aren’t brought up by either side of the debate. Neither author writes in the tone…
“School Choice” is a Stopgap Measure for the Ruling Class
So, January 25-31 is “National School Choice Week.” Break out the bubbly! The event, put on annually by a coalition of lobbying groups, advertises itself as “an unprecedented opportunity, every January, to shine a positive spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children.” I’m sure most “school choice” advocates firmly and honestly support that goal. Unfortunately, their…
Zorunlu Öğretim, Okuryazarlık, Ve Eğitim Alternatifleri
Jacob Huebert’ in Libertarianism Today başlıklı kitabının meziyetlerinden biri, yüksek okuma yazma oranlarının zorunlu eğitim yasalarından önce de var oluşuna kanıttır. Ahlâk ve pratik burada güzelce biraraya geliyor. Çocukları şiddet kullanarak okula göndermek ahlâksızlık olduğu gibi, etkili bir eğitim için gerekli de değildir. Devletciler iyi bir delille kalmıyorlar. Kitabının 114. sayfasındakı alıntıya dönelim: Profesör Lawrence Cremin erkeklerde okur yazarlık…
Support C4SS with Murray Rothbard’s “School Sucks”
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Murray Rothbard‘s “School Sucks” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Murray Rothbard‘s “School Sucks“. $1.00 for the first copy. $0.60 for…
È Ora di Liberare l’Istruzione Online
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, 11 settembre) esprime non poco disappunto sul fatto che i corsi online dei college deludono le aspettative create qualche anno fa. In termini di completamento dei corsi e di frequenza delle lezioni, dice, “la rivoluzione ha fallito”. Ma se ha fallito una ragione c’è. Il modello predominante…
Time to Jailbreak Online Education
Dan Friedman (“The MOOC Revolution That Wasn’t,” TechCrunch, September 11),  expresses no little disappointment over the way online college courses measure up to initial hopes over the past few years. In terms of course completion and even viewing entire lectures, he says, “that revolution fizzled.” But it fizzled for good reason. The predominant online course model has…
Bringing an Unfortunately Obscure Educational Movement to Life
It is a testament to Paul Avrich’s talents as a historian and writer that his book on the Modern School Movement, a libertarian educational movement of the early twentieth century, remains not only the essential text on an unfortunately obscure topic, but also a worthwhile resource for understanding the various currents of American radicalism and…
Compulsory Schooling, Literacy, and Educational Alternatives
One of the virtues of Jacob Huebert’s Libertarianism Today is that it provides ample evidence for the high literacy rates of Americans prior to the introduction of compulsory education laws. The moral and the practical come together beautifully here. Not only is it unethical to initiate force for the purpose of compelling children to attend…
When Basic Services Are Guaranteed As A “Right”
Recently Ezra Klein pointed out (“What liberals get wrong about single payer,” Washington Post, January 13) that single-payer healthcare wouldn’t solve the problem of America having the most expensive healthcare system in the world. American health insurance premiums aren’t so high because of the overhead cost or profit of insurance companies, but because of the…
Pirating Creativity: The MPAA Is Going After Schoolchildren
For years now the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has been trying its best, unsuccessfully, to enforce its “intellectual property” claims upon those who would dare share and distribute media. They are of course not the only ones trying to get IP enforced; we have seen the same trends in music and gaming. Since…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory