Tag: poverty
Pil: L’ultimo Rifugio dei Furfanti?
Di Kevin Carson. Titolo originale: GDP: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels? dell’undici aprile 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da anni i libertari di destra amano diffondere numeri sulla “popolazione mondiale che vive in povertà estrema”, per dire che la povertà diminuisce in termini relativi dal 1815, e in termini assoluti dal 1980 circa. Il problema…
GDP: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels?
For years, right libertarians have loved to throw around the “World population living in extreme poverty” metric, which shows extreme poverty shrinking steadily as a share of the population from 1815 on, and then in absolute terms since about 1980. The problem is that “extreme poverty” is defined in monetary terms, as living on less…
Леваки и пушки. Часть третья
Бедность, бездомность и безработица Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 3), March 24 2017. Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/09/06/levaki-i-pushki-chast-tret-ya. Многие преступления, связанные с применением оружия, включают в себя грабеж или воровство. Причина, которая побуждает к похищению чужого имущества, обычно мало связана с клептоманией. Она вызвана нуждой и отчаянием. Решение…
La zonificación no ayuda a las clases bajas
De Dawie Coetzee. Artículo original: Zoning Doesn’t Help Lower Classes, del 10 de diciembre 2015. Traducido al español por Luis Vera Suárez. Alguien compartió esto en mi FB. Mi comentario inconexo: Escuché por primera vez el argumento para la abolición de la zonificación de boca de mi profesor de diseño de primer año de la…
An Open Letter to Anti-Racists on Global Poverty
Dear Anti-racists,  Cheers to the earth-shattering defeat of Donald Trump, in whose electoral demise you played no small part. Your jubilation as this nightmare of a presidency nears its apparent end is every bit warranted. Joe Biden’s presidency will be far from perfect, but we can reasonably expect it to be better than the (primary)…
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 3)
This is the third part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2, 4 and 5. Poverty, Homelessness, and Unemployment Many gun-related crimes involve some form of theft. The root causes of theft usually have less to do with the thief wishing harm on anyone and more to do with financial desperation. Addressing issues of…
The Naturalness of Prosperity
Free people are prosperous people. When not forced to do otherwise, they work out the best ways for achieving their ends. These ends are often shared or overlapping, so cooperating with others is often a natural way of successfully resisting and overcoming the engulfing harshness of the natural world. When people bring things into the…
Mobilità, Meritocrazia e Altri Miti
All’American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry (“Yes, America’s middle class has been disappearing… into higher income groups,” 17 dicembre) spiega la contrazione della classe media e la crescita della disuguaglianza economica citando un recente studio del Pew Institute, dal quale risulta che, dell’11% per cento di americani che non fanno più parte del ceto medio, il…
Mobility, Meritocracy and Other Myths
At the American Enterprise Institute, Mark Perry (“Yes, America’s middle class has been disappearing… into higher income groups,” Dec. 17) justifies the shrinking middle class and growing economic inequality by citing the finding of a recent Pew Institute study that of the 11% shrinkage in the American middle class, 7% have gone to the top…
Zoning Doesn’t Help Lower Classes
Someone shared this on my FB. My desultory comment: I first heard the argument for wholesale abolition of zoning from my first-year design lecturer. Two observations, though. Firstly, the term “zoning” may be used in wider and narrower senses. In some contexts it refers only to what land is used for; in others, like Cape…
Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. When individuals are free to move and travel without asking permission from government bureaucrats, they are capable of crafting meaningful lives and communities that enable everyone to advance their well-being on…
Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left
Bernie Sanders thinks open borders are a “right-wing proposal” that “would make everyone in America poorer.” Sanders’s comments not only display a shocking ignorance of the economics of immigration, but also a disappointing, racist, xenophobic tendency among the mainstream left. While Sanders also thinks we have a “moral responsibility” to “work with the rest of…
A Country Called “Favela”
Rocinha Hill in Rio de Janeiro (source: sean fitz @ Flickr) “Um país chamado favela” (literally, “A Country Called Favela”) is a surprisingly excellent book about the Brazilian favelas [1], written by Renato Meirelles and Celso Athayde. Without any recommendation, I spotted it on a local library and read it in one sitting. The approach…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Pretrial Detention as a Human Rights Crisis
A new report from the Open Society Justice Initiative documents the overuse of pretrial detention around the globe. The report estimates that around 3.3 million people are currently incarcerated awaiting trial. These people have yet to be convicted of any crime, yet they are locked in cages and subjected to brutal human rights abuses. Martin Schoenteich…
Is There an Immigration Problem?
Rand Paul has spoken of an alleged “immigration problem”. This is a reference to the considerable number of “illegal” immigrants living in the U.S. The solution proposed to this supposed problem is to secure the border. A secure border would allegedly lead to less “illegal” immigrants crossing it. This framing of the immigration issue is entirely…
The War on the Homeless
“Anti-government types” are often accused of not caring about poor people because we suggest that communities and charities can help them better than government can. This claim seems vindicated when considering the numerous ways governments both create poverty and harm the poor. The homeless are especially victimized by government laws. According to the most recent findings, on a…
Stoppa vräkningarna av migranter
Historien håller på att upprepa sig på ett fasansfullt sätt. Europas romska befolkning står inför ökad fientlighet, diskriminering, marginalisering och fattigdom. Jag har förut skrivit om den etniska registreringen av romer i Sverige, utförd av den svenska polisen. Vi som bor i Sverige har under de senaste månaderna också märkt en tillströmning av utfattiga romer…
Which Side are You on? on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Grant Mincy‘s “Which Side Are You On?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The challenges that face Appalachia are indeed great. To solve them, one must question why our “national interest” still lies in an “above all” energy policy. One must question how so much wealth has been extracted from the…
Stop The Evictions Of Migrant Settlements Now
History is repeating itself in a terrifying way as Europe’s Romani population faces increased hostility, discrimination, marginalization and poverty. I have previously written about the ethnic registration of Romani people perpetrated by Swedish police. Those of us living in Sweden have in recent months also seen an influx of destitute Romani people making their way here…
Human Potential Actualized
The 2008 global financial crisis has had far-reaching implications, depressing markets for years. Charged with US monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank, with its mantra of “too big to fail,” is empowered to manage the economic downturn. The central bank’s monetary policies effectively redistribute wealth to the upper tiers of society — and the proof is…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory