Tag: Edward Snowden
Liberate Chelsea Manning Oggi!
[Di Kaile Hultner. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 21 settembre 2016 con il titolo Free Chelsea Manning Today! Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Fin dai primi giorni del primo mandato di Obama, gli Stati Uniti hanno messo in pratica un’accanimento legale nel punire gli informatori. Se qualcuno può essere identificato come fonte…
Free Chelsea Manning Today!
Since the early days of President Barack Obama’s first term, the United States has pursued a high-octane policy of punishing whistleblowers to the fullest extent of the law. If an individual can be identified as having been the source of a leak, and if that individual falls under the jurisdiction of the US or its…
Manning’s Death Wouldn’t be Enough for the State
(Content Warning: Discussion of suicide and suicide attempt) The ACLU reports that due to Chelsea Manning’s attempted suicide on July 5th in the Fort Leavenworth military prison she could face additional charges including “resisting the force cell move team;” “prohibited property;” and “conduct which threatens.” The punishment could include, “indefinite solitary confinement, reclassification into maximum…
Oliver Stone Calls Pokemon Go “Surveillance Capitalism”
It’s convention time again and that means a large influx of fanatics dressed their best gather with some of the biggest names in the nation for a weekend of ceremonies, announcements, and a large show of support for what people believe truly matters in this country. Yes, I’m talking about San Diego ComicCon where every…
La Nsa non Uscirà di Scena Pacificamente
Secondo la Reuters, domenica scorsa la Nsa ha chiuso il suo programma invasivo di sorveglianza telefonica. Il programma permetteva alla Nsa di raccogliere i cosiddetti metadati dei chiamanti. Informazioni come chi e quando veniva chiamato venivano immagazzinate in un database governativo. La chiusura del programma è un passo positivo verso il recupero della privacy perduta…
The NSA Will Not Go Quietly into that Gentle Night
According to Reuters, as of last Sunday, the NSA has shut down their invasive phone surveillance program. Under the program, the NSA collected callers’ so-called metadata.  Under the system, information such as what numbers people called and when they called were gathered and retained in a government database. This program’s closing is a positive step…
End Government Spying Now on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “End Government Spying Now” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. Secretive state agencies are not to be trusted, nor are the politicians that have ties to them. It is highly unlikely the state is going to voluntarily end its unethical spying programs without massive pressure…
Preferring Soldiers Who Weren’t Captured
A certain headline-grabbing Republican presidential candidate offered up his latest soundbite at a campaign event in Iowa on July 18 when he declared he “like[s] people who weren’t captured.” The reference was to Sen. John McCain, an ex-POW who spent five and a half years in a Vietnam prison camp. In America’s troop-worshipping society, there’s no greater offense than to disparage…
The National-Security State Lives
Sen. Rand Paul accomplished something worthwhile when, almost single-handedly, he saw to it that Section 215 of the Patriot Act expired. For that he deserves our heartfelt thanks. But where does the expiration now leave us opponents of indiscriminate government spying on innocent people ? Not in such a great place. Shortly after 215 disappeared,…
Let the Clock Run Out on the NSA
Regarding the feverish effort either to reauthorize, “reform,” or abolish the National Security Agency’s collection of our phone and email data, two things need to be said: First, thank you, Edward Snowden. Second, isn’t it great to see the ruling elite panicking? Of course, the discussion about NSA collection of our “metadata” wouldn’t be happening…
Genuine Ideology on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Will Moyer‘s “Genuine Ideology” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. “Genuine ideology is a fringe phenomenon. Genuine ideology exists, but is primarily found at the margins of mainstream discourse and political power. Put another way, the farther you move away from the mainstream, the more likely you are to find…
End Government Spying Now!
The USA PATRIOT Act is set to expire June first, absent congressional action. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has expressed opposition to renewing the act without reforms that would end or limit the National Security Agency’s bulk spying on the phone data of American citizens. While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seeks an extension for the…
The Natural Right of Cyber-Dissent
At the height of anti-NSA furor in January 2014, The New Republic (TNR) published a hit piece on Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald that criticized their anti-government beliefs, portraying the leakers as “paranoid libertarians” and traitors to progressive government ideas. Said TNR: By exposing the secrets of the government, they claim to have revealed…
La Legge sullo Spionaggio e la “Chiave d’Oro” che Ferma lo Stato
La recente uscita del documentario Citizenfour ha riportato l’attenzione dei media su Edward Snowden, che la settimana scorsa ha reiterato la sua volontà di tornare in America e fronteggiare il nemico se gli sarà concesso un processo onesto e imparziale. Ovviamente non sarà così: lo stato ha detto più volte che Snowden ha fatto grossi…
Mr. President, Chelsea Manning Would Like a Word on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nick Ford‘s “Mr. President, Chelsea Manning Would Like a Word” read by Mike Godzina and, again, edited by Nick Ford. But if I had to pick one of the most egregious quotes from Obama it’s this: “[W]e defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities,…
The Espionage Act and the “Golden Key” to Stop the State
The recent release of the documentary Citizenfour has refocused media attention on Edward Snowden, who last week restated his willingness to return to the U.S. to face the music if permitted a fair and impartial trial. Of course, this isn’t something he will receive; the state has repeatedly claimed that Snowden has egregiously wounded national…
Genuine Ideology
You can’t kill an idea. Ideas are bulletproof. They’re more powerful than guns. This is something we’ve all been told. But just because you can’t destroy an idea or an ideology, it doesn’t mean you can’t twist it and use it as an engine for your own purposes. It’s not controversial to suggest that much…
Edward Snowden e la Grande Rimozione
L’informatore dell’Nsa Edward Snowden continua a gettare la sua ombra sul mondo dell’informazione mondiale. Quasi ogni settimana arrivano nuove rivelazioni dalla montagna di informazioni in suo possesso, rivelazioni che vengono passate a giornalisti e che sono seguite dalle negazioni e tentativi di giustificazione da parte di politici e burocrati, messi a nudo come responsabili di…
Edward Snowden e a grande transformação
O delator da Agência de Segurança Nacional (NSA) dos Estados Unidos Edward Snowden continua a ser motivo de grande preocupação nas notícias mundiais. Revelações do baú de dados que ele abriu aos jornalistas aparecem quase semanalmente, seguidas por negações e desculpas de políticos e burocratas que ele expõe como responsáveis por violações de direitos em…
Edward Snowden and the Great Removal
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden continues to loom large in the world’s daily news. Revelations from the trove of data he disclosed to journalists roll out on a near-weekly basis, followed by denials and excuses from politicians and bureaucrats he exposes as responsible for rights violations around the world. Citizenfour, a documentary covering his heroic actions on behalf…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory