Tag: Surveillance State
Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale pubblicato l’otto gennaio 2023 con il titolo Living with Surveillance. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Grafica di Eric Fleischmann Tante chiacchiere qua e là tra i presunti antisociali che stanno nel cuore dell’impero: anarchici, gotici, cristiano-progressisti, disegnatori di tatuaggi, contadini utopici, studenti rivoluzionari. Vogliamo l’“anonimato” digitale o no? Ovvero, detto…
Lots of chatter here and there amongst supposedly anti-social residents of the imperial core; anarchists, goths, progressive Christians, tattoo artists, idealistic farmers, student revolutionaries. Do we want digital “anonymity” or not? Or, less dramatically, should we have Instagram? Should we have Facebook? Should we participate in the Matrix so readily? “Anonymity” is in quotes because…
In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and around the U.S., sentiment among the governing class is turning powerfully against encryption. Reuters reports an impending “crackdown” on Bitcoin in the EU. Other reports suggest France could inhibit Tor and free wi-fi at will. U.S. officials have taken the opportunity to go on…
As if they weren’t Machiavellian enough, spy agencies are evidently waiting for the next terrorist attack to change public opinion on the need for encryption backdoors, reports The Washington Post. The intelligence community’s top lawyer, Robert S. Litt, lamented in a leaked email that “the legislative environment is very hostile today … [but] it could…
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “End Government Spying Now” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. Secretive state agencies are not to be trusted, nor are the politicians that have ties to them. It is highly unlikely the state is going to voluntarily end its unethical spying programs without massive pressure…
The Obama Administration finally responded this week to a two-year-old petition on Whitehouse.gov requesting the pardon of Edward Snowden. 170,000 signatures and a wave of anti-NSA public sentiment later, the White House formally refused the pardon alleging unspecified damage Snowden’s leaks inflicted on American national security. The White House response made no mention of any public…
Juan Francisco López Sánchez appartiene a quella sfortunata categoria che il governo americano etichetta come immigrati illegali. Il suo status migratorio è importante perché López Sánchez è accusato di aver ucciso a giugno una donna di San Francisco, Kathryn Steinle. Politici nazionalisti di destra e sinistra sono sbigottiti perché López Sánchez ad aprile era stato…
Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez falls under that unfortunate class of persons the American state labels illegal immigrants. His immigration status is important because Lopez-Sanchez is accused of the June killing of a San Francisco woman, Kathyrn Steinle. Nationalists on the right and left of the American political class are aghast because Lopez-Sanchez was released from police…
Sen. Rand Paul accomplished something worthwhile when, almost single-handedly, he saw to it that Section 215 of the Patriot Act expired. For that he deserves our heartfelt thanks. But where does the expiration now leave us opponents of indiscriminate government spying on innocent people ? Not in such a great place. Shortly after 215 disappeared,…