Tag: supervised injection sites
Droga, Riduzione del Danno e Giustizia Riparatoria
Di Tim Hopkins. Originale pubblicato il 4 agosto 2019 con il titolo Drugs, Harm Reduction and Restorative Justice. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Di recente nella città di Brantford, nell’Ontario, la polizia ha intensificato le azioni antidroga, apparentemente in risposta ad un’ondata record di overdosi dovute a droga tagliata con fentanyl. Il sindaco Kevin Davis, dopo…
Drugs, Harm Reduction, and Restorative Justice
In Brantford, Ontario, the police recently escalated their drug sweeps, ostensibly in response to a record number of overdoses in the community from drugs laced with fentanyl. Mayor Kevin Davis, who is on record as supporting a proposal for a supervised injection site, showed his cognitive disconnect by also speaking glowingly of the raids. But…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory